Does Anyone On Here..................


I used to be indecisive but now I'm not so sure!
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
near Hockley, Essex UK
Does anyone use, Red sea NO3:pO4-x Nitrate Phosphate Reducer in their tanks, anyone have any views?

I am considering using instead of putting on a refugium and running my reactor. I am also looking at the whole program, any thoughts?

Seffie x
Does anyone use, Red sea NO3:pO4-x Nitrate Phosphate Reducer in their tanks, anyone have any views?

I am considering using instead of putting on a refugium and running my reactor

Seffie x

I considered it as my friend runs my lfs and he said it is basically the same as carbon dosing but people tend to favor it because it's "Made for aquariums". He has said that people who have bought it off them have reported 0 Nitrate and 0 Phos after 4 weeks and that internet forums are raving about it.

I have read some positive posts regarding it but have all ready started carbon dosing so am going to continue with that.
How does this work Seffie? is it a case of just dosing the tank every now and again to help levels? also does it decrease the need for a reactor and refugium?
Looks good but personally I'd stick with a fuge and reactor simply because I'm not keen on dosing. I'm a lazy b::gger at times too.

Although it does look impressive I must say.

How much does this program cost exactly?
How does this work Seffie? is it a case of just dosing the tank every now and again to help levels? also does it decrease the need for a reactor and refugium?

you have to dose every day whilst reducing your media, and no3/4, so for example chaeto etc.

When your levels are under control you dose less - i'm still reading and it isn't cheap for the whole program, but then neither is running rowa or the like

a 1 litre bottle of the no3/4 reducer is £24 on fleabay, they do suggest you buy their more sensitive tests, but I dont think I will be doing that, although if you are having to replace test kits, this might be the way to go.

You also have to run a skimmer - I'm about to start skimming again, but its not going to run 24/7, going to turn it off in the eveings, cause I cant hear the tv :p then turn it back on when I go to bed - so need some timers

Anyways, getting a coffee and doing a bit more reading :good:

Seffie x

How much does this program cost exactly?
Ive just started dosing it Seffie as Im having issues with No3 and bio-pearls didnt seem to be working for me. It seems a great product and I have heard nothing but great things and reviews. If I were you I'd go for it rather than a refuguim, got to be easier :good:

Ill let you know how I get on but I definetely think it is worth considering. I have also read about people using the whole programme and they seem to have had great success with coral colours and growth. Although I think it would be mighty expensive to run the whole programme, maybe its something Ill look into depending on how well I get on with this.

I prefer the idea of a refugium personally. but then i want a manadarin so having a copepod breeding ground is a massive bonus. Plus as a beginner i like the idea of not having to dose and having the added stability.
Ah James, have bought a bottle on line - will you put your results in your journel, im sure we would all be interested?

Uriel, Ah a Mandy, yes can see why you would want the refugium

Seffie x
I would bare one think in mind Seffie my LPS were not happy with the ULNS they seem to prefer the new MM system but I cannot over too much of an opionion ion the MM atm as it is still maturing :)
I have been using this for the last 2 weeks now and I must say that I am very impressed. I was having huge issues with my LPS recently but now they look superb.

In less than 2 weeks my No3 level went from approx 20 to approx 10 and still lowering now. Po4 has dropped dramatcially and sitting on the lowest level on the salifert test kit. One thing though, if you do go down this route definetely dose with the reef energy A+B too. I have done this as it will put certain (needed) nutrients back into the water for the corals. I even squirt the reef energys directly onto my LPS and IMO they seemed to have benefitted greatly to this.

Just my thoughts and hope that helps as you did ask me to let you know how it goes. I would reccommend it hugely! :good:

I have been using this for the last 2 weeks now and I must say that I am very impressed. I was having huge issues with my LPS recently but now they look superb.

In less than 2 weeks my No3 level went from approx 20 to approx 10 and still lowering now. Po4 has dropped dramatcially and sitting on the lowest level on the salifert test kit. One thing though, if you do go down this route definetely dose with the reef energy A+B too. I have done this as it will put certain (needed) nutrients back into the water for the corals. I even squirt the reef energys directly onto my LPS and IMO they seemed to have benefitted greatly to this.

Just my thoughts and hope that helps as you did ask me to let you know how it goes. I would reccommend it hugely! :good:


Sorry to act thick but is the reef energy A+B a separate product? im new the marine world :fun: just got myself a deltec skimmer so looking into using the red sea treatment.

Also is it ok to use this on a new tank or is it recommended for a more stable tank?
It is 2 different products but you are meant to dose both at the same time. I mix the 2 mixes together and squirt into the tank. So far on my tank, it has shown to be great product.

I dont see why you couldnt use it on a newer tank but not 100% sure tbh. Are you going to be using Po3:No4-X then?


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