Does Anyone Know....?


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Jan 1, 2006
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What do Cory eggs look like?? Ive had 5 of them for ages now, but never see eggs, likely cause they get eaten... But, i was jus wondering what they looked like??? Should be an easy one for those who know! :thumbs:
Cory eggs are opaque and approx the size of a pin head. Usually stuck on the glass. Have never managed to save any myself. Ive seen them but by the time I get organised and go to remove them they have been eaten. Not to sure if they belonged to my pandas or the albinos but I suspect the albinos as I have more of them and they differ in size quite a bit.
Cory eggs are opaque and approx the size of a pin head. Usually stuck on the glass. Have never managed to save any myself. Ive seen them but by the time I get organised and go to remove them they have been eaten. Not to sure if they belonged to my pandas or the albinos but I suspect the albinos as I have more of them and they differ in size quite a bit.
Thank you very much for your reply! That helps a lot! :thumbs:
This is what C. panda eggs look like:


These are eggs from my black C. aeneus:


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