Does Anyone Here Own Gals?

Thanks you lot!

Right I'll try and answer some questions.

Size of tank - I use the largest lidded storage tubs (clearish/opaque) from Do It All, they cost about £6.99 or £7.99. In there you can easily fit four adult fulicas r similar ized speces. Margies and ters need a fai bit bigger, as their "foot" alone can be over a foot *lol*. I have two HUGE storae tubs for some of mine, but they're not available to buy any more :(

A 4ft fish tank/viv would fit 5 margies or tigers in quite comfortably.

Where to get them? If you're after fulicas, there is eBay, but its even better if you can rescue as fulicas shouldn't really be bred commercially for now as there is a massive surplus, so although I've bought on eBay, I won't again. - this is a ood place to seek advice AND snails. If you're after margies (like Sherman and Vernon), I'm going to have tonnes soon *lmao* - got 19 eggs waiting to hatch, but they do need a bit more care wise than he fulicas (heatmat, etc). They *can* be beginner snails if you read up plenty or get advice first. Otherwise, juvenile or adult (not baby) fulicas are the best bet as they can tolerate a wide range of conditions. Babies of any species need more care and attention.

Species to avoid as first snails would be achatina immaculata var. "two tone" (often called "blonde" or dimidiata snails). they are very tricky to raise to adulthood, as are some other delicate species like Tigers etc.

If you're after adult margies, I would urge anyone to go to PetSnails and ask about the Brixton rescues. There seem to be loads looking for homes this season, and although people there might say they're not suitable for first timers (it depends on the state they're in) it's definitely worth asking.

Emma - if you have 17cm shelled snails in your garden in a variety of colours/shapes that adapt well to being kept as pets, lucky you. African land snails might not be for everyone, but they're for me. They might eat me out of house and home, but they don't eat my garden plants *pmsl*!
Oooh I didn't see this otherwise I wouldn't have posted another thread about them!

Yes, I have GALS, many many many of them. Although the number is going down because I've just parted with 6 margie babies today, another 4 to go to their new homes in the near future, and one spare that's probably staying. One tiger baby's gone today, and the other 2 are heading off with two of the baby margies left over.

All my pics are in my thread. My biggest, Boycie the margie, is about the same size as Vernon I think, maybe 1cm smaller. Marlene is 14cm. Boo the pale margie is smaller still but probably around 12cm? Cooper the falooka (fulica, cant help calling them that though for some strange reason) is about 10-12cm (he's much stockier than normal fulicas and may be a cross with another species), I've not measured him in a bit. All the rest are smaller (different species or babies).

2 tigers arriving tomorrow (one of which is pictured in one of Kathy's messages - the one in the storage tub, he's left of Kathy's one - the one with really thick black stripes), another planned, and hopefully another pale margie if the order goes ahead.

Yippee - my first tiger adults coming tomorrow! :yahoo:
Two of Sherman's eggs hatched late last night :good: :wub: :wub: They're very different to Boo's babies - their shells don't have any markings at all so far (might turn out like Sherman?). Very very cute. :wub:
Giant african land snails are from Africa, so not a "pest" here :lol: :lol:

Yep I hold them, as do the kids. Baz refuses to, but he's a wuss. They're quite educational and fascinating pets. Like you I was a bit squeamish when I first held one, but strangely it's actually quite nice. They kind of ripple on you, and if they really like you (pmsl - okay so it's not a measure of how popular you are with your snails) they'll rasp you.


:wub: :wub:
Hello Kathy M,

Know you have done a fact sheet somewhere but just a very quick question. My 3 GALS are now as big as a lp from being 3 as big as a 1p if you get my drift. I need to know what soil to put in their tank, the only stuff we have has things in it for plants. What sort do you use would just a growbag stuff do? I mean they are not spoiled or anything...took them to devon with us last week as I had got no one I could trust with my babies! Thanks they are also only eating lettuce and cucumber still and cuttlefish wont touch anything else.

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