Does Anyone Have An Eheim Wet & Dry?


New Member
Oct 24, 2009
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I`ve recently been offered an eheim 2227 wet & dry external filter for my 100cm malawi cichlid tank but dont know much about them, I had an eheim 2215 the last time I kept fish about 6 or 7 years ago which I liked alot.
Does anyone have one of these filters and are they any better than the normal eheims.
Can not really advise as I've not had one but as no one else has commented.. When researching before choosing my Eheim 2222 I was advised that the eheim wet/dry filters, while excellent, were overkill for a normal freshwater community like I was planning. For your cichlid tank however, the extra bit shouldn't hurt although I have no idea whether it might entail extra maintenance. I believe the wet/dry versions are variation on the normal Eheim Professional model lines and should therefor be very nice filters. Mine has been great, an awesome piece of machinery, silent as a piece of rock. If you've been offered one for free, the decision should be a no-brainer.

Thanks for the reply waterdrop, I asked in my LFS and was told the same thing as you say about the wet & dry filter being a bit overkill for a cichlid tank and apparently the wet & dry need more maintenance too. I have since been told the eheim ecco pro 300 would be a better filter for me as it should be quieter and need less maintenance.
Hate to go against your store fellow there as it may be the only eheim type he can easily get but within the forum we get rather picky about our eheims. We recommend -against- the Ecco series, against the "thermo" models and somewhat against the "wet/dry" models as already discussed. The thermo models have a problem with the temperature sensors in that salt messes them up (we don't recommend salt, usually ever, but it can still happen, so...) The complaint about the Ecco series is that the entire line was made off in asia somewhere (not that there's anything wrong with that) and is not the same as the Classic, Pro, Pro II, and Pro 3 model lines made in Germany. These last mentioned lines are the ones that are so sought after on the forum. Depending on your tank volume and goals I really have a feeling the Pro or Pro II lines would be the best thing for you even if its a bit of an adventure actualy getting your hands on the right filter (it was for me, that's for sure!)

Thanks m8, I did not know that about the ecco series and now you come to mention it the ecco was the only eheim he had in the shop.
Will sort myself with a good classic or pro series eheim m8, thanks again for your help. :good:
Yes, I believe there were really members who found the ecco series just didn't hold up for them as well as previous eheim lines. The classic line is every bit as functional as the Pro lines but just not as convenient or easy to maintain. Probably just more of a routine you'd have to develop for yourself, so would be a legit way to save money if you were willing to put in extra energy. For instance, I would imagine disconnecting from the tank might be a bit more of a mess as the Pro models have a quick release block that shuts off the hoses and disconnects them from the filter, whereas the classic probably has little individual valves and then you pull the hoses off, not sure. The Pro models have really nice individual media trays with pull up handles so you can lift them out of the filter and swish them in the tank-water bucket. Priming also tends to get easier as the filters get more expensive.


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