Does Anyone Else Have...


Spirited Away
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
Hartford, WI, USA
My dad just surprised me yesterday with a few new plecos and 2 beautiful albino veiltail cories. They are very pretty and very active too. I'm sorry I don't have a camera to use to take some pictures, just wondering if anyone else has some :D
Here is one of my babies :D


A few seconds before I took the pic, he swam up on this rock, I think he wanted his picture taken that silly player :D
don't have albino ones but do have longfin bronze cories.
I tried searching them on google and no results on them came up. I was hoping to see a lot, but it seems like they may be rare or something :D :/
To help you look for them on google, or anywhere else; what you have are Corydoras paleatus, which happen to be albino and longfin. They are usually referred to as longfin not veiltail as most other long finned fish are.

For any information just look up Corydoras paleatus. The fish being albino or longfinned does not matter in their keep. Both albino and longfinned are tank bred traits so you will not see any information about their wild habitat as there isn't one. Being tank bred for so many generations usually indicates they can and will adapt to virtually any tank parameters, not the ones listed which are aimed towards wild caught.


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