Does Any One Know What This Is


Fish Crazy
Feb 27, 2008
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Hi all.

Just clearing out the garage, and found this canister thingy that came with the tank, I have no idear what it is or how it works.

Its cream 20"long and circumferance is 2.5 diamiter.

its got nozzle type thing on both ends.

Its got a sticker on it that says NITRAGON. This NITAGON unit will remove up to 90% of nitrate from the mains water supply.

*This unit is re-chargeable, see instructions (also removes phosphate) there is no instructions!

Dont think I need it as my tank readings are always perfect without it, and as I dont know what it is or how it works does anyone want it.

Think it came with some tubing, but not sure as I had a whole bag full of odd bits when I got the tank.

many thanks.
Not 100% sure but this sounds like something i used to use when i kept marine it does exactly what you described removes nitrate and phosphates from tap water. You had to filter water through cannister into a bucket then do water change as usual, to recharge my one you had reverse flush with salt water.

Its a tap water filter :

Nitragon Model lll Tap Water Nitrate Filter
Nitragon removes up to 90% of Nitrate from tap water, and will also remove Phosphate
The unit is connected to the cold water mains supply (tap connectors are not supplied as tap fitting vary considerably) and the flow is adjusted to approximately 25 gph (full tap flow is about 200 gph). Allow about 5 gallons to waste

Collect required amount of water in a suitable container. Amount of water produced before unit is exhausted depends on the level of Nitrate/Phosphate in the water supply. Average is 30 - 70 gallons

The unit can be recharged using dishwasher salt (1 lb per gallon of water) and flushing this through the unit very slowly (about an hour). The unit should then be flushed with 3-5 gallons of fresh tap water before the unit is ready for use again.

Good quality Nitrate/Phosphate test kits should be used to monitor the output from the unit.

Unit is cylinder shaped 560mm long, and 65mm diameter. Flow inlet is from either end
Its a tap water filter :

Nitragon Model lll Tap Water Nitrate Filter
Nitragon removes up to 90% of Nitrate from tap water, and will also remove Phosphate
The unit is connected to the cold water mains supply (tap connectors are not supplied as tap fitting vary considerably) and the flow is adjusted to approximately 25 gph (full tap flow is about 200 gph). Allow about 5 gallons to waste

Collect required amount of water in a suitable container. Amount of water produced before unit is exhausted depends on the level of Nitrate/Phosphate in the water supply. Average is 30 - 70 gallons

The unit can be recharged using dishwasher salt (1 lb per gallon of water) and flushing this through the unit very slowly (about an hour). The unit should then be flushed with 3-5 gallons of fresh tap water before the unit is ready for use again.

Good quality Nitrate/Phosphate test kits should be used to monitor the output from the unit.

Unit is cylinder shaped 560mm long, and 65mm diameter. Flow inlet is from either end

Is it thanks for that :good:

how does it work??????????

and does anyone want it???????????
thanks rooster, for that.

I was sure if I posted on here someone would know the answer, I have never seen one before, and didnt have a clue.

Now does anyone want it??????????
thanks rooster, for that.

I was sure if I posted on here someone would know the answer, I have never seen one before, and didnt have a clue.

Now does anyone want it??????????

Wouldnt mind as an experiment ! What you thinking of ?

Yep its a tap filter, well its a nitrate filter that contains a special resin to remove nitrates, phosphates and sulphates from you taps, its used for marine water changes, i think its an old piece of kit and i have no idea if they still sell them, i remember seeing one with a blue label.

I will take it, if its free :good:

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