G'Day Everyone I recently bit the bullet (so to speak) and got myself a couple of Borneo Sucker Fish which apparently have many other types of names such as Hong Kong Pleco, Hillstream Loach, Butterfly Pleco, Chinese Butterfly Loach and Butterfly Flatfish to name a few. Anyway the limited info I have been able to find is a bit contridictory such as some sites saying they prefer being alone to others saying keep a group of at least 6. Getting 6 I really wouldn't mind but they aren't exactly the easist species to readily find in most of my local pet shops. But I really wouldn't want to get more if they really don't like each other. The two I have are currently in a 5ft tank that only has some peppered Cories, Emerald Cories, and 5 soon to be moved pygmy cories along with 5 juvi bristlenoses that are getting sold when big enough and some cherry shrimp. By all accounts all of these fish should be docile together. But my questions are aside from the numbers that Borneo Suckers like to be in, as well as would they be inclined to eat all my catfish eggs. Even though I only have an external filter on the tank so far the Borneos haven't seemed that inclined to want to play in water currents even when I have been topping up the tank. Any help with these great little fish would be a big help, thanks.