Does any body still have their first fish?

i havent got any of the 'first' ever tropical fish that i put in my very small tank....but i do still have one of my orginal 4 female mollies that i put in a year ago.

It maybe two, but ive got/had so many babies of the same colouring im not sure, the other two though im sure had a great live, one died of a old age problem i think, and the other died in a heatwave in my tank caused by the broken heater :(
I've never done anything special to keep my fish alive for this long. I don't overstock my tanks or overfeed. I would do water changes once a month if that.
I can't remember my first fish...I was in 1st grade, about 7 years ago. I vaguely recall a ten gallon with severum goldfish and cories :crazy: We have a pleco and jewel cichlid from 7 years ago, but they're lucky62's :)

EDIT: I meant several, not severum :p Bet you can guess what I'm thinking about :lol:
i have one of my three original serpae tetras from about two years ago. He is now happily living in my 32gal with 5 other serpae tetras :)
I have mine. Meet "God father" as we call him. He's over 2 yrs old and still kickin. B)
I still have the first Cories I ever bought. They are over 3 years old now....well, they have been with me over 3 years :D

This pic was taken over two years ago....WOW, didn't realize that :) and they still spawn regularly.

And last night, I had to put down my last Original Swordtail fry FROM my first Swordtail....she was over 3 years old, and has been declining over the past week or so. Last night she had lost the ability to swim upright, so I did the humane thing and let her go :-(
my first fish died a few months ago... Peter R.I.P 16 and half yrs old...he was a goldfish, kept in a tank... I loved him to bits and miss him a lot :(

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