Do your fish yawn?

My Bettas's so cute. :wub: And I once saw my Angelfish yawn...Looked a little strange at first. :lol:
FishHeads said:
Fishist said:
Perhaps your fish are up all night rearranging the tank like Raechal's Plec!!

Ugh, my goldfish rearrange rocks at's very annoying. You can here them picking in them, moving them and spitting them at the tank walls at night...Maybe they are planning an escape and are using the little platies as a cute distraction!

:blink: :blink: It's a conspiracy!!! :blink: :blink:
The fish are plotting against us all, they are going to plan the great fishy escape... lol

I got my pleco and RTB shark seem to rearrange my gravel, and build it up in places... When i had my bala shark, he used to make me jumped from picking up small bits of gravel and spit them out at the glass behind me (My tank is behind my chair where i sit to go on the computer, and so you know i dont have my bala shark anymore, i gave him to my nextdoor neighbour since she already had two and i thought she might like him and he settled in fine with her's), it is strange how they to this...

The fish are soon going to take over the world with their fishy tatic...

:rofl: :fish: :rofl:

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