Do You Think That Tank Under 5 Gal Should Be Banned?

Should they be banned?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

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  • Don't know

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  • Don't care

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good for bettas
good for fry
good for salt baths
good for lots o stuff.
I voted no. There are many things that people use with 5 gallon tanks...
  • Permanent home for dwarf seahorses, they actually do better in smaller tanks due to feeding concentrations.
  • Rearing Fry
  • Pico tank
  • Live food culturing
  • Hospital Tank
  • Salt Mixing
  • Live Food holding tank
Voted No.

But i do think the lfs should give some guidance of what can go in it properly, or the manufacturer produce a leaflet to be distributed with it.
But i do think the lfs should give some guidance of what can go in it properly, or the manufacturer produce a leaflet to be distributed with it.
Yes that would be good.
What should be banned is sticking goldfish or anything else obviously too big to go in them
Thats what I agree with mainly.

Well, then it sounds like you and I and a bunch of people just need to write the companies who advertise their small tanks for goldfish and such. Nothing wrong with the tanks, just the way they're being presented.
I voted no as I have 3 betta tanks and they are all 3-4 gallons. The fish seem happy enough in there but I do agree with other members about keeping goldfish in them, they are far too small.
No. There are plenty of legitimate uses for them and you can't legislate common sense.
Breeders need small fry rearing tanks, I have even used plastic washing up bowls in the past.
I voted no too.

Small tanks do have their uses, many of which have been mentioned already.

The biggest problem is how the tanks are marketed. Small tanks are generally marketed as being great for kids to keep goldfish in! It's up to the LFS's, and supermarkets to be more responsible about the advice that is given about the tanks and the fish that they sell.

We know the Tesco tank is horrible, but it is made worse by the advice about the fish that can be kept in them. Someone on the advice given on the website will try and put a couple of comets in there, and wonder why they look cramped, or die within a couple of months (i'm being generous here, it could be weeks.) That said, an experienced fishkeeper could use it for culturing live foods, snails, shrimps etc. And have it look vaguely interesting at the same time.
I voted No.

Basically for most of the reasons already posted.

I think the marketing for such items however should be reviewed.
No, no, no, because I love my planted nano, the main appeal being to make a small scape look bigger than it is through the skills of the keeper (well in my case, try!). And there are a number of fish you can keep in them. That said, the numerous comments re goldfish I defiantly agree with. How can manufacturers of fishkeeping equipment profess to be 'fish friendly' when the advertising and images they print on their boxes clearly shows little thought. Whilst I do not condone it, I sympathise with people who get a small tank thinking they can keep goldfish or clown loach in it when there is a goldfish/clown loach on the front of the box.


EDIT - there is also a lot of skill in keeping a small tank well and they provide new challenges for those who have been in the hobby for a while.

My only running aquarium is 3 gal.

Marketing is misleading though, this needs to be changed.

To ban tanks under 5 gal. wouldn't solve the "problem".

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