Do You Think That Tank Under 5 Gal Should Be Banned?

Should they be banned?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

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  • Don't know

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  • Don't care

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Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Nov 5, 2004
Reaction score
Just a poll to see what fishkeepers think.
If you say no can you state why?
I voted no because they do have their uses, such as for culturing food, etc. I'm sure alot of nano keepers would probably make a million and one threads entitled "This is bulls##t!!!!" as well :lol:
I voted no because there are fish and especially inverts that can live happily in such a small aquarium, but there are other sides to this hobby- nano and pico. pico marine contain only corals, and maybe just a couple of inverts, if that, depending on tank size. Nano marine is over 5 gallons so we can discount that. But I know there is planted FW nano, small tanks that are either purely plants or plants with a couple of fish. I would prefer, however, that they are not sold in such numbers as they are, and they come with suitable guidlines and warnings. Because it takes quite an experienced aquarist to put together a nano/pico aquarium and stock it with livestock (or not) responsibly
I voted no because there are so many animals and even a few fish (mainly Bettas or Bumblebee Gobies) that can actually do better in a smaller aquarium of that size. Plus you get inverts like shrimp, snails, crabs and possibly some crays. Verts like African Dwarf Frogs.

What should be banned is sticking goldfish or anything else obviously too big to go in them.
What should be banned is sticking goldfish or anything else obviously too big to go in them
Thats what I agree with mainly.
I voted no because I don't like the idea of anyone telling me what I can and cannot use to keep fish in. I don't own one of this size, but if I ever want one, I'd like to be able to get it.

Many fish can be kept in small tanks and I've seen some lovely tropical communities done on a small scale. The key to success is in learning proper management of it, not in being dictated to by someone who thinks they know what's best for everyone else. :grr:

Oh, and by the way, "Guns don't kill people, people do!" :D
5 gallons is fine for a betta (in fact, that'd be the minimum I would ever want to keep one in. Not that I'd ever get a betta).

Selling them unfiltered is more criminal.
No, absolutely not, I've heard of betta's going mental and eating their own tails when in 10 gallon tanks, that are happy in 1 or 2 gallon tanks.

What I object to is small tanks marketed to inexperienced fishkeepers/prospective fishkeepers with very bad advice being.

Getting some good points now.
Unfiltered and no heaters.
And company stating that you can keep certain fish in them when you can't.
I hate it when someone put a goldfish in them.
I don't mind small tanks as long as they know what they are doing and adding the right fish to the tank.
I voted yes, because I hate the goldfish marketing used on small tanks, in PFK hagen are showing off their new tanks, and all I see is that the tank would be suitable for goldfish, a small shoal of goldfish e.t.c.
What is sadly ironic is the larger the tank, the easier it is to maintain.

But sadly, the smaller the tank, the cheaper it is and much easier to buy and go get any old fish to stick in it!

I think 5 gal tanks are ok to sell, but should only be sold from fish shops with proper marketing. Being able to buy these things in places like Tesco where you can't get good advice is disgusting! Why don't people see this as animal cruelty, the same as keeping a dog in a box? :/
That's why it's sad, people want cheap but don't realize it costs more to start small. I made the same newbie mistakes most people do and started with a 5g and a handful of mostly wrong facts on fish keeping. Now I don't even use the 5g anymore though I do want to set up some snails, shrimp or a Betta in it.
For those of us with multiple bettas, we would be screwed. I can't even fathom having 15 or so
5-10 gallon tanks lined up neatly on my shelves and I wouldn't have any room left in my house!

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