do you think that its mean to

put a fish that kills down?

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they work as a nice little scavenger squad to get the particles that fly out of his gills when he eats.

lol, that sounds so cool.
Sky042 said:
I actually had some fish that were killers. rather than kill them I put them in my oscar tank. I didn't know what the outcome would be but as it turned out they work as a nice little scavenger squad to get the particles that fly out of his gills when he eats.
Ahh, yes - the Zebras. ;) I had the same problem too. :p

I've had a fish (incidentally a Zebra) that's stressed out several of my other fish. And at one point, this little Zebra (that no one would suspect) had killed off just about every other tank mate he had.

I did think about "offing" him a couple of times, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. :( And I didn't want to off-load my problems onto another party, so instead I just opted for tank mates that were much bigger than he was, and (fortunately) I did end up with a couple of fish that wouldn't have any bullying. He seemed to straighten up a bit after that. *shrug*

So, to answer WRS's question - would I do it. No. Why? Because I just can't bring myself to do it.

Would I have advised you to do it? Probably not. I most likely would have offered some alternatives for you and let you make the decision that you felt was best for you. Part of the responsibility of pet-keeping is deciding what route you must take when things don't go as planned. :( I don't believe in killing off anything just because he might be a bit more agressive than normal, but *shrug* it wouldn't have been my decision to make.

Heck, in the US, you see dogs being put to sleep because they nipped humans. That's sad. You don't buy a dog (such as a Pit Bull) that's known to be agressive and NOT keep a close eye on them. But - that's really a different post for a different time. :/

Touchy subject and good topic, WRS. Sort of like a pro-life vs. pro-choice question for the Fish World. :)
thanks, i tryed euthamisium, but i didnt work because i could leave the fish in the cold water or whatever. but i was only doing it to save the other fish. and if i were to buy more agressive fish they kill my others, and idid put him in w/a cichlid and it attacked him and really hurt him, i think thats y it died. when the molly im talking abouts mate/girl friend was mean i put her in w/my old betta and he flared at her and she was nice. he was nice after as well but then she got sucked into the filter and he went into a fish killing frenzy. and i put him in w/my betta and then took him out after a few days then put the betta in w/him and he killed it! so it would even have probly killed a really aggresive fish. maybe a baby one, not sure about an adult.

ill list what he killed
i once had him in my goldfish tank
-3 goldfish
-1 plattie
-1 guppy
-1 betta
-1 cichlid

i know there were more but i dont remeber what fish they were
It seems that your fish worked it out by themselves, which is good, because thats how it is in nature. I personally would have found a home or a tank because I dont beleive in euthinasia for convenience. I have 2 dogs that will litterally kill each other if let out together, so I am an expert on inconvenience.But I wouldnt dream of putting one down cuz theyre fine with people and all other dogs. So I work around it. I can see where your comming from though. Since you live with your parents. Dont worry one day you will have as many tanks as you like. :D
i know, i cant wait. i want to have like 50, because i want to have a lfs. but id never sell a fish like that 1 to anyone if i took it home and killed fish, id just get it brought back.
just out of intrest how many of you would have an overly agressive dog put down one that was killing other dogs?

just out of curiosity
I wouldn't... but I wouldn't put anything down - fish or otherwise. I'm too much of a softie to do anything like that. :( In fact - most often when I do find a dead fishie, I have to have my husband take care of it. :( I'm a nerd.
I read that other thread - you tortured that fish to death. Sorry if you find it offensive, but you are inhuman.

what makes it worse is the dam molly wont die. no matter what i did 2 him he lived. i put him in feezing water. i stabbed it w/the net. i took him out of water, took away the air stone. and now hes in a vase!
if you got a fish thats killing other fish then put it in another tank dont KILL it im sure your lfs will take it off you.
You found it just before I was going to post the link.

CS: You and I never agree, but here maybe we do. This person does not deserve to be in charge of animals.
Here's what wrs edited, as quoted in the original topic by cometcattle

ive been having fish issues so ive been having 2 move fish around a bit. 2 make a long story short i put my betta in my community tank so a cichlid could have his home. so i went 2 check on him yesturday and he was dead! eaten, no fins, and even the flaring stuff was eaten 2! he was murdered by a molly. a molly from hell. i saw him attacking my plattie so i know it was him. i got teary eyed over barry death, it was very sad. and what makes it worse is the dam molly wont die. no matter what i did 2 him he lived. i put him in feezing water. i stabbed it w/the net. i took him out of water, took away the air stone. and now hes in a vase! living while barrys dead in the ground!!! :-(

i hate u daphney!

Just so people know what came before.

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