do you think that its mean to

put a fish that kills down?

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u ask ppl. tha have fish and none of them want it because of how it acts.
i asked. noone wanted it, and no stores take in fish, except the fry store. but it wasnt a fry. i didnt kill it though. im just asking. the fish though did die though, it was eaten by a gourami.
another thing, could the molly have been sick and thats what made it so mean?
i told them about that, but they all had fish and didnt want to get rid of them for 1 fish.
wrs, between all the missing letters and punctuation and so on, I find it hard to decipher what you are saying. :/

I do not live with my parents, I have my own home. I do not see that it matters, we all only have so much room to live in and only so much money to live on. I do not think that alleviates the responsability you took on when buying fish.

Simple as.
well i see no problems w/my posts.u have some spelling in yours to
but my parents said no to a new tank, so i couldnt get 1. what i am saying is that you live on your own, u dont have parents saying that you cant get another tank to keep it in. so that was out of the question. id loved to have gotten a molly tank because i like the ballon mollies and just put him in there, but i couldnt
wrs said:
well i see no problems w/my posts.u have some spelling in yours to
but my parents said no to a new tank, so i couldnt get 1. what i am saying is that you live on your own, u dont have parents saying that you cant get another tank to keep it in. so that was out of the question. id loved to have gotten a molly tank because i like the ballon mollies and just put him in there, but i couldnt
I wasn't talking about spelling (incidently, of course my post has spelling - without it there'd be no words! *joke*) , everyone makes typos etc. I was talking about you not having full stops, apostophies, commas and capital letters at the begining of sentences. As well as u, 1 and w/.

It makes it hard to understand what you are trying to say, it was not a dig.

You did ask peoples' opinions for this topic, did you not? I was simply giving and defending mine.
oh, i know, lol. i was asking opinions. i wanted 2 know what ppl would do in my situation, but when ppl. brought up a point that i didnt talk about yet i wanted to say if i was able to or not able to do that.

i definetly want ppl. opinions. even though the molly is dead, i have a cichlid in with another cichlid and a shark thats kinda mean so this will help with that to.

oh amd a w/word means with. its an american thing i hink, dont know if anyone else knows that, sorry. im just so used to talking with friends on AIM on stuff like that I forget to be correct with that stuff.

I wasn't talking about spelling (incidently, of course my post has spelling - without it there'd be no words! *joke*) , everyone makes typos etc

i was only joking 2.

I have managed to work out what w/ means, it's just hard to read something written like that.

As for your cichlid, what kind is it and what is it with and where? I can't see it in your signature. Could it be a compatibility issue? Cichlids are known (and often liked for) being aggressive.
its a lab. and its in with an agnel fish. the people at the stores said it would be ok because they keep theirs with eacother and they never hurt one another. its my brothers tank so its got fish with not nescecirly the best compatablity. theres two tetras, and a bala shark, theyre were two ID sharks, but they died and he thinks it killed them, but i think they were sick.
we actually took him out and ut him in the three gallon betta tank, but that was only for a little bit because i think my aunt minght be getting my brother a bigger tank, my parents cant say no to her because shes older then them, lol. and we have to find some were to put it if she does get it, so if she did we minght not be able to keep i though because of that.
wrs said:
its a lab. and its in with an agnel fish. the people at the stores said it would be ok because they keep theirs with eacother and they never hurt on another. its my brothers tank so its got fish with not nescecirly the best compatablity. theres two tetras, and a bala shark, theyre were two ID sharks, but they died and he thinks it killed them, but i think they were sick.
Ahhh, I remember this from another topic. If I remember right the tank is only 15galls and therefore not big enough for the lab, angel or bala.

Cichlids can sometimes be kept together but a bigger than average tank is need to do this sucessfully IME.

I don't think the situation is ever likely to get better, very likely to get worse I;m afraid.

You need to research your fish other than LFS 'advice', always a good idea to avoid these kinds of problems.
yup, thats it, hes not the best picker

i think one of them minght be going back and ill be using the money for corrys for my tank.

well thanks for all you opinions. with the cichlid im going to try harder to take him back.
Yes, I agree with that last point made.

The 10 gallon housing an Angel and a bala..........jeez that makes me sad :-( So so very wrong! It will just get worse until they are all dead :/ Just the facts!
I'm sorry, but I'm still sticking to what I originally said. He bought a mollie to put in his community tank. Who would've guessed that it would have that temperment. When I buy a fish I go by the general consensus as far as behavior. I don't ever recall reading that a mollie will kill everything.

He said that he cannot have another tank because he lives with his parents. Attempts were made to give the fish away with no luck. I'm sorry, but I would rather see 1 fish euthanized in a humane manner then to end up with a tank that only contains 1 fish because it killed the rest.

Just my opinion, but it seems to me that some of you aren't really reading all of his posts. -_-
thank you Sorrell finally someone read everything I posted. and silver its a 15, and i know, i tell him getrid of them, but i guess my aunts getting him a 55g so theyll be moved soon. and the cichlid died! i went down to feed them and it came out of its cave and went to the surface, a buble came out and it fell to the bottem. im having a bad fish week. from nowon im just getting platties and corries.
I actually had some fish that were killers. rather than kill them I put them in my oscar tank. I didn't know what the outcome would be but as it turned out they work as a nice little scavenger squad to get the particles that fly out of his gills when he eats.

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