Fish Crazy
i think it's cruel becuase you can give it away instead
i asked. noone wanted it, and no stores take in fish, except the fry store. but it wasnt a fry. i didnt kill it though. im just asking. the fish though did die though, it was eaten by a gourami.u ask ppl. tha have fish and none of them want it because of how it acts.
I wasn't talking about spelling (incidently, of course my post has spelling - without it there'd be no words! *joke*) , everyone makes typos etc. I was talking about you not having full stops, apostophies, commas and capital letters at the begining of sentences. As well as u, 1 and w/.wrs said:well i see no problems w/my posts.u have some spelling in yours to
but my parents said no to a new tank, so i couldnt get 1. what i am saying is that you live on your own, u dont have parents saying that you cant get another tank to keep it in. so that was out of the question. id loved to have gotten a molly tank because i like the ballon mollies and just put him in there, but i couldnt
I wasn't talking about spelling (incidently, of course my post has spelling - without it there'd be no words! *joke*) , everyone makes typos etc
Ahhh, I remember this from another topic. If I remember right the tank is only 15galls and therefore not big enough for the lab, angel or bala.wrs said:its a lab. and its in with an agnel fish. the people at the stores said it would be ok because they keep theirs with eacother and they never hurt on another. its my brothers tank so its got fish with not nescecirly the best compatablity. theres two tetras, and a bala shark, theyre were two ID sharks, but they died and he thinks it killed them, but i think they were sick.