Do you think I have a problem or nah?...

So, Mr Barnicles has just had to buy me 2 units for all my houseplants as I fear things may be getting out of hand 😬

I'm my collection I have:
8 phalaenopsis orchids
7 cacti of different varieties
2 Jade plants
1 Gollum Jade plant
2 Weeping Fig Ficus
6 Schlumberger
2 Pothos (plus another in the tank)
1 snake plant
1 zebra Haworthia
1 Monstera
1 Syngonium
2 Philodendrons
1 Calathea
2 Dracaena
1 Cyclamen
And last (but I'm afraid to say not least) a Croton....

I can't help it 🫣 I just can't resist! Surely someone else is worse than me?

Edited to add 2 Venus Fly Traps 🤣
There's always someone who's worse than you... (Keep that thought...)
nah, you don't have a problem
This person has a MAJOR problem
be sure to turn up the volume

This lad will rue the day when the fungus gnats or thrips move in. Good luck evicting them! 🤣 I'm not that bad yet
This lad will rue the day when the fungus gnats or thrips move in. Good luck evicting them! 🤣 I'm not that bad yet
I've had problems with fungus gnats for the last 12 months. I tried everything that was recommended and it didn't do squat. Eventually I found a parasitic nemetode that eats the fungus gnat larvae. I used that a couple of weeks ago and while there are 1 or 2 still flying around, 99.9% of them are gone. You might be able to find something like that in your country if you're having problems with them.
I may or may not have been buying more orchids 🧐 I have, look at these!


😍 and now that flowering season is upon us, all my others have spikes growing which I'm excited about... I have completely forgotton what the flowers look like on some or them, they've not bloomed in a couple of years so it will be a surprise 😅
I don't think I'm good enough with orchids to try them, yet. I've only paid attention to houseplants for about 2 years. I'm early on the learning curve.

When we were in Gabon, we'd be driving along and loud voices would scream to stop. Out would come the cameras, and the orchid photos would follow. I'd be looking at all the different trees, but these guys could spot a tiny orchid from a moving vehicle.

I built another shelf beside some tanks this week, to hold more plants in the fishroom. And so it begins.
I don't think I'm good enough with orchids to try them, yet. I've only paid attention to houseplants for about 2 years. I'm early on the learning curve.

When we were in Gabon, we'd be driving along and loud voices would scream to stop. Out would come the cameras, and the orchid photos would follow. I'd be looking at all the different trees, but these guys could spot a tiny orchid from a moving vehicle.

I built another shelf beside some tanks this week, to hold more plants in the fishroom. And so it begins.
I must insist that you get yourself an orchid of some type...perhaps a cool growing oncidium or cattleya. They're so rewarding and will have you wrapped around their fingers in no time
Most orchids need a cool period to flower. It doesn't have to be freezing cold but they need a few months of cold to produce blooms in spring.
They were neglected for a while and needed serious repotting, which apparently sets them back a bit while they're busy growing roots and leaves...I'm not expecting a magnificent bloom and I'm a little worried about this cold spell we're having
I have read they can be grown hydroponically, which surprised me, being as around here, most people in the know, say to just put an ice cube in the pot, once a week, & that's supposed to be all they need... when I get up enough nerve, I'm going to pot one in an aquarium, with my normal method, & see if it'll grow???
DO NOT WATER ORCHIDS WITH ICE! Tepid rainwater only 😭 (most) orchids are epiphytic, it's not that they need minimal watering but that they need air supply and good circulation around the roots
my wife, & her gal pal that has raised them for years, have been doing the ice cube method ( so far I've not cared for orchids yet )... please don't use the ban hammer on me for the ice comment;)

I always thought it a weird way to measure water... I think the ice method, was even listed on the care sheet that came with her orchid???
The problems begins when you need a machete to cut the vines blocking access to your kitchen cabinet when you want to make a coffee.

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