Okay, burn me in effigy if you want to...but I've seen a LOT of boring coloured Bettas.
Not my Jack, but some are right dingy, all one colour, rather guppies
....I have solid no bars iridescent ones, ones iridescent with orange, iridescent with leopard spots on the tail-yellow and blue ones, half blacks, oranges, blues, greens, yellows(these last 3 are females and they rule, with iridescence down their sides, real healthy) oh and one iridescent with lavender top fin...awesome, curious, friendly fish, every one of them.
I'm sad to hear Bettas don't live very long
. I hope Jack lives for 20 years! He rules. Oh and he's in a 5 gallon all to himself except for two quiet Ottocinclus who are right little piggies and now have pot bellies! I couldn't keep a Betta or any fish in a tiny 1 gallon or less, I'm sorry it seems so mean.
He's got snails and live plants for company too. So while I feel Bettas can be stately and ornamental, if you can find nice coloured ones...for sheer vivacy it's GUPPIES ALL THE WAY!

I'm sad to hear Bettas don't live very long
