Do You Name Your Fish?

Do you name your fish?

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Fish Crazy
Mar 18, 2011
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Hi. I was just wondering, am I the only one who names my fish? Here are some of my more clever names-
Miss Mohawk (Mo for short) for a platy with a spiky fin
Nimbus, Cumulus, and Lightning-streak for white cloud mountain minnows
Amelia Earhart, Evil Kneville, Chuck Yeager, Valentina Tereshkova, and Zefram Cochrane for my very fast Danios
Mr. Zoom for a particularly hyper loach


Yes, I am sane.
I name most of them, but basically just my favorites. My guppy fry will be named Skittles, one of my female guppies is Lemondrop, my cory is Crystal, and one of my male guppies is red-hots. When I first got fish I made a pact to name all my guppies after candies. :look:
I've named a few, just generic names :p.... though I did name one 'The floating rock' cause it's all gray and likes to be near the top :p
Nice. My fish are like family. The candy thing is funny. I went through a phase where I named all my fish after Percy Jackson characters. I had a Thalia, and Anabeth, and I had a ghost shrimp named Percy. Percy hid a lot, and once he bit bit me. I did not taste good.
I know right! My brother doesn't get it at all though and would rather have the fish gone-but I will never let that happen. :no: Ya.. sometimes the names stick really well and other times the candy names are just odd. :p Lol he bit you? :rofl:
I like to name mine but I tend to give my tetras a group name because there are so many. :p

Though I have named some angels after greek gods - Triton and Artemis.

And my pristella tetras are the Air Captains.
Bala Shark trio are the Ninja Stars.
My two chinese algae eaters are Jorchu and Karachu (named after my bf and me because they were always sucking on the wall together :lol: )
My kuhli loaches are the Jet Packs.
And my congo tetras are the Amazon Warriors.
Oh! And I call my female cories "fat mamas" because they are always huge and full of eggs. :good:
I name the ones I can ID. Shoaling fish and shrimp, no. Pairs or individual fish then yes. I've got Rory and Amy (apistos), Ditch (hrp) and Mithril (angel).
I'd name my carnivores, but wouldnt bother naming a shoal or something like that, my Polypterus is named Nihlus :3
I name bettas, and my dwarf gourami has one, but I never name small fish like guppies, tetras etc.
I dont name my fish as i dont really discuss them with anyone else...they are :)
I name some of them. I have a Gold Gourami whom I named Michael Hill, which is a jewelery store in Australia.

Also had a knife fish called Slash.
Never named any fish. I know the kids have various names for the fish but the names change from week to week.
I personally don't, though the kids do.

My betta is "Scruff", the two Limia Tridens are Gavin & Stacey, their Fry is Stephanie (female of Stephen, Stephen Fry), and the two Hillstream Loaches are Hoover & Dyson. They also named the first 2 guppies we had "ROFL" and "LOL".

I did name the Cardinal Tetra. "Dave", "Dave", "Dave", "Dave", "Dave" and "Dave".

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