Do You Have Panda Cories?


Sep 7, 2006
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Seattle, WA U.S.A.
We are interested in getting some of these, but research shows they like lower temperatures. Our tank is at 76 F. Would this temp work for pandas? What temperature do you have your pandas at? Are they healthy?

Thank you
My tank is at about 78F with a single panda cory that seems to be getting along just fine.
I keep my tank unheated, and its running at 22 degrees centigrade. This also seems to be a reasonable temp for breeding as I have eggs. This corresponds to about 72F, I have had my Pandas for about 3-4 months and they are very happy.
I have pandas - the tank temp is currently 79 and is usually about that. Had 'em for about a year. They are sniffing around like little dogs as we speak!
Hi xoedusk :)

I think 76 degrees would be OK for them, but I keep mine a little lower, at 73-74 degrees F.

Had My Pandas for over 2 Years now and they are @ 26 Celsius. But they Look more like the Schwartzi in color now. changed to a deep brown color

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