This may or may not work depending on the type of partition that was used when the drive was created but try it anyhow.
You need to go
Control Panel
Administrative Tools
Computer Management
Select Disk management option on the left under storage.
This Should now show the physical disk, split into the 2 partitions C: and L:
Right Click L: and select Shrink Volumn and choose how much you want to reduce the size of L: by.
Once this has completed.
Right Click C: and select Extend Volumn and extend it into the space you have created by shrinking L:.
Be warned that any sort of operaton like this can lead to Data Loss. It is unlikely but make sure to backup all your data before attempting this or anything similar.
You need to go
Control Panel
Administrative Tools
Computer Management
Select Disk management option on the left under storage.
This Should now show the physical disk, split into the 2 partitions C: and L:
Right Click L: and select Shrink Volumn and choose how much you want to reduce the size of L: by.
Once this has completed.
Right Click C: and select Extend Volumn and extend it into the space you have created by shrinking L:.
Be warned that any sort of operaton like this can lead to Data Loss. It is unlikely but make sure to backup all your data before attempting this or anything similar.