Do Snails Carry Fish Diseases?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 16, 2009
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I have a zebra snail hanging out in a tank which was just wiped-out by what is likely a bacterial infection or parasite infestation. I have another tank I can put him in, but I am worried about spreading the disease. I love this snail, I don't want to have to kill it. I want to strip the tank down that it is in right now. Thanks for any info or suggestions!
It really depends on what caused the die-out whether it was bacterial or fungus or parasitic etc. In most cases, I wouldn't expect them to be spreadable between fish and snails; just like we can't get most diseases that fish get. But notice I said most.

Perhaps put him somewhere by himself for a while?
I was thinking of maybe put him somewhere else for awhile, but I don't really have anything that large that I could put him in. Would a day or so be sufficient? I can't believe I couldn't find any hints searching the net either. The fact that the sanil is alive makes me think he wouldn't have contracted it, its more that I'm worried that the disease wil hitch a ride on his shell or something.
Yep, there's that as well. I don't imagine he'd need anything large. I would have him sit in just like a large bowl For a few days if possible.
Yep, there's that as well. I don't imagine he'd need anything large. I would have him sit in just like a large bowl For a few days if possible.
Give the snail's shell a good wash in tap water -chlorine should kill off any bacteria on it. Then quarantine him for a week, anything will do as a temporary snail home even a covered bowl or large tupperware tub

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