Do Small Tanks Have To Be Cycled?


New Member
Aug 10, 2008
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How big does a tank have to be for the need to cycle to arise?

I have a 17L tank which I never cycled, my partner has an ~8L one he never cycles either.

I now have a 65L (about 17 gallons?) tank and have been told it's small enough for cycling to not matter. I have also read another thread where someone had a 50 or 60L tank and was advised to put fish in it in a couple of days!

Can I get away without cycling my 65L if I test the water frequently and conduct water changes daily or every second day for a while??
If anything a smaller tank increases the need for it to be fully cycled before adding fish because dangerous levels of ammonia will build up much more quickly than a larger tank
A tank that is not cycled is going to contain ammonia and nitrite. Both are poisonous to fish. You need to cycle.
I matter the size, ALL tanks need to be cycled even as small as a 1 gallon and as large as 900 gallons.
How big does a tank have to be for the need to cycle to arise?

I have a 17L tank which I never cycled, my partner has an ~8L one he never cycles either.

I now have a 65L (about 17 gallons?) tank and have been told it's small enough for cycling to not matter. I have also read another thread where someone had a 50 or 60L tank and was advised to put fish in it in a couple of days!

Can I get away without cycling my 65L if I test the water frequently and conduct water changes daily or every second day for a while??

All size tanks need to be cycled. Cycling builds up a beneficial bacterial filter in your tank that processes the fish wastes. Even if you never made an effort to cycle your tanks, nature will still evenutally cycle the tank in time, though perhaps at the expense of your fish dying off.

i agree with you all tanks should be cycle to be grow bacteria in ur tank and fix the water stats before adding anything to it.

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