Do I Need To Desperate My Fish?


New Member
May 1, 2012
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I have a 64l tropical tank, 5 black neons, 3 harlequins, 1 yoyo loach, one golden algae eater.
I have come home just now, and one harlequin is nowhere to be found, and my yoyo loach is suspiciously fatter in the belly than this morning!! Are yoyos likely to eat harlequins??? I don't want if to get my other ones. They were all ok this morning and no signs of I'll health in the harlequins.

Honestly!' predictive text!!! SEPERATE not desperate...
Are the Harlequin (Rasboras) small enough to fit in the mouth of the Yoyo Loach? If so, then yes, the missing one could be in its stomach.

Have a google at the profiles of Gyrinocheilus aymonieri (Chinese Algae Eater), they get rather fiesty as they get older (latching onto the flanks of tankmates), plus read how big they get and then compare this to the dimensions of your tank. The minimum space considered suitable for most fish is 4x2x2 (in relation to its size). ;)
Thank you. Weirdly, after taking the tank apart, the harlequin has appeared, so I don't know if it was in the filter or something? Really strange because it really was gone. Worried now as to why the yoyo has such a bloated belly compared to this morning.
Yes I am a bit annoyed because the fab advice of my lfs recommended the golden, then on here before someone else said it would outgrow my tank and become aggressive. I'm sticking to help from here from now on! It's done a great job getting rid of algae and keeping the tank sparkling, but I will have to rehome it when it grows :-(
And the black neons and harlequins are schooling species requiring groups of 6+. If I were you I'd choose my favorite and up that one to 10-12 or you could just up both to 6 but I prefer 1 larger group.
Ok. I don't have room for 6 yoyos. I had 6 neons but one died so I was just about to replace and get a few more but we had a few power cuts over the weekend so the filter wasn't running and I has protein film over the surface etc so I thought it best to wait a week or so with the full system running ok to check the levels don't spike.
I hope I am going the right thing?
If you don't have room for 6 yo-yos, which you don't, then you'll need to rehome him.
Hi I had 2 yoyos for a long time and they were great together :fun: but they were right pigs and would scuff all the food , they loved cucumber and that would help bloated tummys out.I had neons and they always left them alone. The chinese algea eaters , I would get rid of quick as when they get older not only do they get big , move very fast around tank and scare other fish also they can stick them selves to side of other fish taking off there slime coat , mine did to my gurami :sick:
cathy :fun:
It's pretty new, only about a month I've had it. When do they mature to the point they stop eating algae and terrorising the other fish? Is there another fish that cleans the algae as good as this but won't harm my peaceful community? Thanks x
You could try a bristlenose pleco. Very good algae eaters and are great in communities.

Is the tank cycled if it's only a month old? If so how'd you cycle it?
You could try a bristlenose pleco. Very good algae eaters and are great in communities.

Is the tank cycled if it's only a month old? If so how'd you cycle it?

Not a good idea in a 64l tank, a 125l with excellent filtration maybe. A group of Pitbull Plecs (Parotocinclus jumbo) could work, but again in a 64l I would be wary of having more than two social fish groups. If it was me, I would rehome everything but the Black Neon tetras, add a 6th one and then get the group of Pitbulls.
Sorry, the tank isn't 1 month, I have had the tank about three months and been using the api master kit to test and it cycled nice and quickly (unfortunately using fish as per more bad advice from lfs but I didn't lose any). I got the golden algae and the yoyo at the same time. Might get another tank. I don't fancy giving them away but clearly this situation isn't great :-(
In protest of the food my female betta starved herself and then went after my glowlight tetras, caught her in the act

There for awhile I was afraid to have her in there afraid she was gonna eat all of them so I kept her isolated until she started eating the pellets

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