Go look for ecology of the planted aquarium by diana walstead
a.) That book costs about £35.
b.) I wouldn't recommend that for a 14yr old to read anyway.
Good Idea, how do you do it?
I semi-answered that one in Post #46
Now I think the most pleasing setup is 'El Natural', because of its simplicity and extreme low maintenance and low cost. You can use a professional substrate for this, but the ultimate in my mind, is simple: Dig some soil up & use that! A very difficult concept to get one's mind around though: Soil! In MY tank!! No way!!!
I did. Just what nature intended and just what the plants get!
However, it takes some time to condition the soil - you have to dig it up, sift all the bits out, add a bit of gravelly sand & compost and then let it soak for about a month so that any ammonia etc. can leech out (as you would do for AquaSoil). Many ppl can't be bothered with this and just bought some 'proper' stuff.
Oh stuff it I think i'll just wait it out and go the hybrid way.
I guess your 'stuff it' response was in relation to the time it takes to condition the soil - that I can understand. Soil is the best substrate to use for this method but like I said you could use something like Tropica Plant Substrate, but after all, the best stuff is free - you dig it up.
That's it really, bung a good soil substrate it, cover it with a gravelly sand, add lots & lots of plants. In go your fish & feed them well. 1.0 - 1.5W/Gal is fine:
Limitied choice of plants (I & others here can if you wish provide a list of them)
DON'T vac the substrate (don't clean it).
DON'T change the water - only say 25% - 50% ONCE every 6 (six) months.
Encourage 'Ariel' growth if you can (so that the leaves of the plants come out of the water thus allowing access to CO2 in the atmosphere).
Expect a little algae perhaps.
Like I said initially, an 'El Natural' setup would suit your tank's equipment as it is.....