Do corys eat eggs or fry?

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As I have mentioned the creyfish dont really eat fish, and if they did they would eat the platy that often shares a den with one. the corries hang out on the dsark side of the tank, and they sit in bunches, piles if you will in between the plants and glass, somethimes on a piece of driftwood thats near the top, some food disapeared at night, and I doubt the cons at it so we will soon find out, once this pair of cons has reared there fry I may break em up for a month or so, give the corries a chance to establish themselves in the fathest pile of rocks, and maybe when I reunite the cons they will be warry of the pile of potential egg eaters. If not there is a 29 gallon belonging to one of the teachers thats just iching to have new fish added.
% of them are doing extremely well. They have established a territory in the far left of the tank and have there own pile of rocks, the sixth isn't doing sao well, he spends all his time hiding in a cave on the other side of the tank and I don't think he knows where all his comrads are, he is also missing most of his caudal and dorsal fins, Looks like puffer bites but I don't know, the puffer has been eating about 20 fruit flys a day so hes been constantly full and it would have been very difficult for him to get so many bites of fin off one fast fish that doesn't stand and fight :dunno:.

Sometimes the Largest of the cories will stray out into the territory of the closest breeding pair but useualy not, The bottom is imaculate too, with the exception of the hair algea wich the convicts eat down to acceptable levels. I'm really glad I got these fish, they really help the biodiversity in my tank, Also, Something Laid adhesive eggs on the filter outlet,I sperated them but the corries and the convicts are the only fish in large enought numbers to breed, I caught a male corry messing with them and seperated them but there are two layers of white pinhead sized adhesive eggs stuck about 18 inches off the surface of the tank floor and the only fish I can think of are the corries, even though I thought they were egg scatterers both convict pairs have fry and the eggs were laid well out side of there territory We may see soon what they are. (Hmm, I seem to have been a bit redundant)
Hi Opcn :)

I'm glad that you posted about your corys. I had been wondering how they were doing.

What you are describing sounds like the corys have spawned for you. Did they get a chill when they were being transported or when you added them to the tank?

They are not egg scatterers but rather they place their eggs on the glass or other surfaces. The corys will clean the eggs and remove any that are infertile or have gone bad. You can expect them to hatch in around 4 days from the time they were laid, so if you want to save them, be sure they have good water circulation around them and remove them to a safe place before that time. If not, you could move the corys and feed them live or frozen blackworms or bloodworms, and they will most likely spawn again in a couple of weeks.

Here's a link to a thread with pictures of cory eggs:

Now, here's the problem. Corys are not territorial an will normally roam all around the tank. If they are staying in one place, it's not a good sign. The one with the damaged fins might have been bitten or it might have finrot. This should always be suspected when you first get them because of the stressful conditions they go through while being shipped around.

Bacterial infections (finrot) are the most common disease that corys get, and they will die from it if it is not treated. I suggest that you catch the sick one and move him, and the others too, to a hospital tank where they can be medicated and recover.

Either that, or he is being attacked by one of the fish and it will probably continue until he is dead. Please do something quickly.
Well I can't do anything till tuesday (I have no keys to the school) But I can tell you that the entire tank is being treated with teatree oil. The corries have plenty of space to roam, they have about 5 sqare feet that they never get chased from and they can go into another 3 but get chased away now and then, I wish I had looked it up before I pulled the eggs away because now they are deffinitly not going to do well (no circulation at all) but I have been doing water changes with water thats about 50 degrees so they should spawn again next time I change the water, But I'll bet most of the corry fry get eaten, Maybe I could put some in with the turtle next time, they will be to small to catch his eye and there is plenty of food in his tank, I'll be seeding with wild amphipods come Spring aswell.
First I'll talk about the eggs

One moment the eggs were there, the next they were gone, never saw a fry though :( Oh well, I have got to do a large water change on monday and I'll use some cold waterand we will see if we can get some new fry :)

5 of the fish are doing extreemly well, the 6th (one eyed, I didn't notice it before I purchased) is still solitary most of the time, I know he can find the rest of the school but he just doesn't spend much time with em :dunno:

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