Do Clown Loaches Eat Snails?


Fish Crazy
Nov 20, 2008
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Ive had a huge snail infestation problem for last few months. I had 3 large snails that laid, and I tried to remove the eggs, but obviously some got away. Anyway, I can seem to get rid of them. Have used a couple of treatments the snails but they still haven't worked.
But my friend has a group of clown loaches and I was wonderin if I borrowed some of them for awhile would they help the problemm. I read somewhere that loaches helped this problem, but not sure if clown loaches will do??
First, what size tank?

Second, why stress out fish by 'borrowing' them to remove snails? There are better ways like using lettuce - if you do a search there is info on here about how (sorry I don't have time right now to find it for you.)
First, what size tank?

Second, why stress out fish by 'borrowing' them to remove snails? There are better ways like using lettuce - if you do a search there is info on here about how (sorry I don't have time right now to find it for you.)

My tank is fully planted, so the lettuce technique didn't work cos they just eat the other plants anyway lol. I thought that the snails must get to a certain size before they would breed, but every week I see new babies appearing. Using the loaches is a last resort, cos I've tried a few different treatments, and I've even had to try treatments in combination. One of the ones I used stunned the snails, so they could be picked out individually, but with my tank so planted this was impossible, so I used that one in conjunction with a treatment that increased the copper levels in the tank. This one used on its own only sent the snails out if the water, they still survived.
Ive lowered the water temp, as this supposeatley stopped them breedin but that didnt work either.
Its a 170L tank

Thanks everyone for the replies also :)
I had the same problem once in one of my previous tanks, I was interested in getting some clowns as permenant inhabitants anyway, I got 3 small ones, within *1 hour* all the snails were eaten or hiding in the lid of the tank! Within a couple of days there were none to be seen ever again. Not sure how stressed the fish would get if it was just a case of borrowing them, not sure either, if it would be outweighed by the banquet you're giving them!
lol Srcotius, well they would def be havin a banquet in my tank at the min. Came home from college today and there is loads of em again :(

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