Captain Retardo
Fish Herder
Do all Corys school together, i am thinking about getting 6 Peppered Corys in a 20 gallon long, but i was wondering, could i get different kinds of Corys; like 2 corys each from 3 different species to add up to 6?
All corys get along with each other, but some prefer to spend their active time with members of their own species. Unless you are especially fond of peppered corys, why not get 3 albino and 3 bronze C. aeneus? They are all the same species, but you would have two different colors.
1 Dwarf Gourami? - I though they were best in pairs?
Anyway iv'e always wanted corries and do keep meaning to get them but everytime i go there to get some i get distracted by a more exotic fish!