Do All Corys School Together?

Captain Retardo

Fish Herder
Feb 25, 2006
Reaction score
Minnesota, USA
Do all Corys school together, i am thinking about getting 6 Peppered Corys in a 20 gallon long, but i was wondering, could i get different kinds of Corys; like 2 corys each from 3 different species to add up to 6?
Hi Captain Retardo :)

All corys get along with each other, but some prefer to spend their active time with members of their own species. Unless you are especially fond of peppered corys, why not get 3 albino and 3 bronze C. aeneus? They are all the same species, but you would have two different colors. :D
I have had up to 20 cories in one tank, with about 6 different species and all schooled together. They were so cute, gave most of them away eventually.
All corys get along with each other, but some prefer to spend their active time with members of their own species. Unless you are especially fond of peppered corys, why not get 3 albino and 3 bronze C. aeneus? They are all the same species, but you would have two different colors.


I like bronze corys but i guess i look the corys with the dots and patterns on them the most, i would love to get Sterba Corys but i hear that the most commonly available and cheapest are Peppered and Bronze corys.

I think Peppered Corys come in Albino also.
Also, In the 20 gallon long i will have this:

6 peppered corys
3 kuhli loaches
2 cherry barbs
1 dwarf gourami

If i take out the gourami, how many bronze corys could i fit in? Are there any other abundant corys on the market that are cheap? Also, in Dr. Axelrod's Mini Atlas of Freshwater Aquarium fish it says Bronze Corys like a water pH of 7.3 and a Hardness of 12, i will probably be keeping my tank at a pH of 6.8 and a hardness of around 8, will this present any problems?
I wish I had had blitztidus' experience in my 150 gallon I have 9 C. aeneus (3 albino, 6 bronze) and 5 peppered corys (don't remember the species), and they school in two distinct groups split by species.

1 Dwarf Gourami? - I though they were best in pairs?
Anyway iv'e always wanted corries and do keep meaning to get them but everytime i go there to get some i get distracted by a more exotic fish!
1 Dwarf Gourami? - I though they were best in pairs?
Anyway iv'e always wanted corries and do keep meaning to get them but everytime i go there to get some i get distracted by a more exotic fish!

Hi Animation :)

Gouramis do fine by themselves. It's hard to find pairs of Dwarf Gouramis in the US too. :/

I guess you haven't seen any of the more "exotic" corys, have you? Corys come in many colors and patterns and many of them are quite lovely and/or dramatic in appearance. But, fancy or plane, they are all great community fish. :D
Yes, i have seen plenty of the exotic ones, they are just extremely rare and extremely costly (or i havent seen them cheap in stores) (Some of the one i would love to get: Corydoras Osteocarus, Corydoras Garbei, Corydoras Nanus, Corydoras Panda, Corydoras Caudimaculatus, Corydoras Polystictus, Corydoras Bondi, Corydoras Trilineatus, Corydoras Reticulatus, Corydoras Haraldschultzi, Corydoras Schwartzi, and of course Corydoras Sterbai, It's a long list, I know!) But i think Peppered Corys look cool in their own way! (and their affordable, easy to get, easy to breed, easy to take care of, and pleasing to the eye!)

Then I'm sticking to 1 dwarf Gourami, if i even get one
Yea, the dwarf gouramis do well by themselves unless you can find a female which is hard because most LFS dont stock them since they're a very dull silver.

Anyway, if you can get your hands on some sterba thatd be cool, i really love sterbai and i want some badly.

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