Is there a simple way of making the PIC fade up over say an hour, stay on for say 7-8 hours and fade down again over another hour and stay off untill 14 hours has passed? This realy is my goal for it, and I know I can do it with a large capasitor and then current+voltage control using a resistor allongside a timer switch on the voltage supply, but smaller but more fidely and sofisticated (because of the programming mainly) PIC's being used for dimming is a bit of a new concept for me
Definitely. It's straightforward to create a clock to do this, but if you are planning on going down this route I would suggest you start playing and buy something like the PICkit2 which is a bargain IMO (http/ If you have more money, perhaps look at the ICD2 or ICD3, but the PICkit2 is definitely a good start. MPLAB is free, and if you prefer programming in C, the C18 student version is available for free too (I think after 30 days optimisations are turned off, but you can still use it to make fully functioning programs).