My clear idea of what I need has now gone

I've just been looking at PIC's and have no idea how I'm pinning an exact one down. I presume I'm only needing one output pin, so a smaller one is all I'll need, say 6-8 pins. Thing is, I've not looked into programming a PWM wave, and have no idea how much coding is needed and hence how much memory it will need... What PIC are you using SetveyG?
As an interest, I looked at the capasitor and resistor series I would need to do it... 30 ohm resistor on a 24V supply, and a 40F!!! capasitor..... Thats seems a little un-fesable now I look at it if I want a 1 hour fade. This said, my halide takes about 3 mins to come on, so a series of 1F capasitors could work OK if I come stuck on the PIC. They are available reasonably cheaply at Maplins.... A series of 5 should give a 2.5min fade-up and down, which would reduce the risk of Photoshock and stop the faffing with programming a PIC.... This route still looks moderately tempting...
Got 10 LED's today anyhow. I messed up the order though, and have 5 3W's and 5 1W's, so I've had to order more
If a decent PIC for this application can be had for a reasonable price, I'll go that route, but if it's more than £15, I'll probibly skip the novelty of extreamly long fade-up's and just go the (For me with no propper PIC programming facilities and a basic knowlage of how the things actually work) easy route that I've used before with LED light systems
All the best
EDIT, you need capasitors in parallel to get away with adding their individual capasitances to get the total of the set don't you, not a series. Woops