Diy Filter Sponge For Fluval Fx5


Sep 23, 2006
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I always thought that the Fx5 could perform better than it was so I began looking at the surface area some more for the sponges and thought that why not make my own sponges that will filter out smaller particles? Due to the larger surface area they should not clog up quick at all. I have the same foam material in the center baskets and they don't clog up at all.

Well here is what I came up with. Just one picture for now but I will add more. Its a two piece sponge with silicone holding them together. Don't know how well it will work but I hope it goes well :) I have made 2 and will have to make 4 more. At $3 a basket, sounds good to me!

Well I ran into a big problem, nothing that can't be fixed thuogh so im still going to do this.

I made the spunges as high as the old fluval ones which are to short and don't seal up against the cartridge above it. These came from the Fx5 I got with my new tank and he crunched the pads into the filter so now they are ruined.

I have to find a bigger piece of foam which I have online and cut it on my band saw to the right size. Plus side on this is it will be one piece instead of 2.

More updates to come.
Well I order some reticulated 2" thick foam so I should be able to make 9 spunges with the amount I ordered.

The foam I used in the picture was not reticulated and would restrict flow. After doing some research I found it would not work at all.

So I am still going this route and I should have the meterial and made by the next weekend. Should be more PPI (pores per inch) than the original foam blocks.

It will be more expensive in the short run. Its a little over $40 for the foam so I will see how durable it will be and how long it will last. It may be a good idea to run half large spunges with half fine spunges.

Edited 3/23/08
Just to put a close to this thread.

I am not going this route any more unless my other idea does not work. Click the link below which will bring you to the new Fx5 Modification that seems very promising at this moment in time.

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