DIY filter for 180 gallon aquarium


Fish Crazy
Apr 9, 2004
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Ok finally got all the parts.
A few of you might remember my first post on this DIY project well i have everything know to start and just am after some feedback on my design.


sorry for the drawing

i am after as much feedback as i can get befoe i start puting it together next weekend.

looks pretty good.

first thing I spotted though is that your pipes are the same size on inlet and outlet.

Leading to the filter should be bigger than the return pipe overwise your likely to burn your pump out.

It might be easiest to place the pump at the end aswell, ehiem pumps use 2 different size hoses with the intake being larger than the outlet. My 1250 pump uses 3/4 on the intake and 1/2 on the return or 20mm rigid pipe. I expect a 1262 pump will use larger hose than this though.

depending on the fish aren't those micron filters going to block pretty damn quick??
what micron would a normal filter be?

if i was to put the pump at the end of the system how would i prime it?
Nice idea but i can spot a couple of problems you may have, so this is just feedback from what i can see. I install large water purification equipment for a living and know where people can go wrong in some areas so i will state the obvious but it may not be to you, if it is let me know

1. As Paul_MTS says the intake pipe should always be bigger than the return and you should place the pump where the valve (tap) is so the pump can push the water through as apposed to sucking it through the filters which may put strain on the pump

Pumps unless built to suck water, prefer a head of water (a bit of presure) behind them to push out the other side (no strain)

Also if you build it as it is unless you put a valve before the pump you will have to prime it every time you change a filter as well as prime it at the start

2. If you have your layout like this then all your pipe that your filters/heaters/reactors are housed in will have to be sealed (not open topped) overwise the pump will overflow the water into your cabinet below

3. You could also put some pipe from the right side (presure) of the pump back round to the left side (flow) with a valve so you can control the flow of the pump without putting strain on it

4. You valve to do your water should be ok where it is, you could check out my link below and look at my plumbing but i have a sump unlike you

Hope this helps :/ any questions let me know
I really would not bother with the first two filters, your mechanical filter should sort all that out, overwise you could be changing them every five mins :/
I understand your reasoning behind having a set of mechanical filters before the pump but as was stated earlier it is unwise and will burn your pump out in it's current configuration. A simple sponge type prefilter will prevent detrious and debris from damaging the pump and would probably need to be cleaned once a week. As for your bio filtration you could stick with that (the canisters after the pump, sealed of course) just add a bit of filter floss to the top of the first canister that you will need to replace or clean fairly regularly. This sould provide a siffucient bio filter for you. Again it is not the greatest mechanical filter but should probably do.

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