Diy Co2


Fish Fanatic
Mar 14, 2006
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Hey all.
If I was to use the yeast injection method, and I wanted to construct it DIY then I have a few questions...

How big of a bottle would I need to use? considering the tank is only 2.4 uk gal,
How much yeast/sugar/bicarb would I need?,
Also I have a HOB filter would I just need to place CO2 pipe into the intake pipe on the filter?

Thanks again mattb22
It's a game of trial and improvement: try this: 200 ml water, 50g sugar, 1/4 table spoon of yeast, in a 1L bottle. I suggest that you run a 6mm airline into a tiny diffuser (try aqua essentials.) Also, use a 2-way gang valve (available cheaply on ebay a lot of the time) to vent off CO2 at night (so that your tank doesn't drop in pH too much, seeing as how plants respire, letting of more CO2 than they take in when there is little or no light.)

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