Fish Aficionado
Have a look over at Charlie there.
<----- See that shimmery stuff on him? Does it sorta look like that? If so, it's his coloring. If it's velvet, it will look like someone spray painted him w/spray paint - metallic gold paint, and he will probably swim along just fine and then every once in a while have little fits where he looks like he's getting shocked, then go on his merry way again. He'd probably be scratchin' on stuff too.
<----- See that shimmery stuff on him? Does it sorta look like that? If so, it's his coloring. If it's velvet, it will look like someone spray painted him w/spray paint - metallic gold paint, and he will probably swim along just fine and then every once in a while have little fits where he looks like he's getting shocked, then go on his merry way again. He'd probably be scratchin' on stuff too.