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Apr 22, 2003
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Kent ( UK )
Please has anyone any feeding suggestions for discus.
i recently set up one of my tanks for discus & have purchased 3 small discus.
I have had them for 3 days & they only seem to eat bloodworm & ignore all other food that i try be it flaked / tablet food.
Is it mearly a case of battle of wills & cease feeding bloodworm until they get hungry enough to eat a varied diet?
Any tips would be very much welcome.

as new fish go ... they have settled very well & are freely swimming the aquarium & are establishing a pecking order. They do not appear to be stressed in any way & are showing their colours wonderfully.

Chenz. :D
:D Hi Chenz i have herd that they like beef heart.
At mt local pet shop htey sell discus food but i havnt seen it any were else :/
I have found a site for you about feeding discus so i will cut and paste the good bits :D :D
HOPE it helps
B) hi m8 -just got back from wharf-they had a frozen pack (think it was called TRIO) with different foods in the same pack to vary the diet.

not being clever just happend to see it when geting some frozen food for RAAAAAAMMMMMSSSS :hyper:

take care brian
Thanx Ben & Bri'... Got the beggers eating a product called Discusin... has everything a discus needs.. so problem resolved... PHEW! :S

Try blanched cucumber, courgette, lettuce and pea's (split the skin and squeeze the sking so the inside starts to come out ). My discus will eat most of this, although they do seem to prefer the bloodworms to almost anything else. :D

Don't worry it took me 3 weeks to get my discus to eat pellet the best way that i found was to get a cup of tank water and put the pellet in for a couple of mins to soften up after about 2 weeks they will eat them dry hope this helps
If you need help with anything els with your discus then email me.

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