

Fish Fanatic
Nov 15, 2003
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st. clair. county, il
I am picking up my first two discus tomorrow and I was just wondering what is the best way to acclimate them into the tank?

Thanks Greg
Same way you would any fish.
Place the fish in there bags into your tank, add some of your tank water to the bag with the discus. Small amounts of your water over 15 minutes. Then net your fish and release them to your tank.
You might wanna get more than 2 as they like to be in groups to feel comfortable..and make sure your tank temp is no lower than 29 C/84 F....Good Luck..Once you go into the Discus world there's no going back... :D I would assume that you read up on how to take care of DIscus and my advice is that frequent water changes is essential to their health and growth especially if your getting juvi's and if your going to put them on a planted community tank...
Well they are in the tank and they look like there at home. they are eating the algae off some of the plants and swimming around like there the king of the tank (which I guess they are) now I can see why they say when you go Discus you never go back. now I can't wait till I get the rest. which will be soon. when should I feed them for the first time? because they look like they are hungry.

Thanks Greg
thats great new s that you have accomidated them Greg!

can't wait to see some pictures
Feed your juvi's at least 3 times a day, some people even feed them 4-6 times a day....When they settled you'll know how smart they are..My DIscus knows the exact time of their feeding and are normally waiting for me near the surface of the water during feeding time.....

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