

New Member
Dec 15, 2006
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Hi could any one advise me on good tank mates for discus i have bought 2 but they are still in lfs untill next week. I have re-homed most of my fish apart from 6 rosy barbs would they be ok? I have a 4x18x12 tank and looking to put 4-6 discus in would it be big enough for 6 :unsure: Also are there any links to good discus breeders, Thanks if u can help :good:
Can you translate that into gallons please? Good tank mates are corries because they like the high temp that discus require. Also you can have apistogrammas because they are pretty, like temps of 80-84 degrees, and when they breed the discus can eat some of the babies and the discus will get a protein boost from them. But no kribs because they are too aggressive.
What's the exact dimensions, becuase I can't tell if you mean 4'x18'x12' or 4"x18"x12"?

If you look at my sig, you can see some of the fish that are compatible with the discus.
Can you translate that into gallons please? Good tank mates are corries because they like the high temp that discus require. Also you can have apistogrammas because they are pretty, like temps of 80-84 degrees, and when they breed the discus can eat some of the babies and the discus will get a protein boost from them. But no kribs because they are too aggressive.
Thanks for the reply kribensis :good: I think its a 35 gallon uk. Am not sure what corries are and apistogrammas sound realy good any pics. Are kribs rosey barbs if so i will get rid of them. I have a great local lfs thats just opened would not sell me my discus until i took down a sample of my tank water :good: , But they only suggested tetras with the discus :unsure: could i have rope fish had them in the past never had any trouble with them? thanks again
What's the exact dimensions, becuase I can't tell if you mean 4'x18'x12' or 4"x18"x12"?

If you look at my sig, you can see some of the fish that are compatible with the discus.
Sorry eddie its " are all those compatible with discus if so cool thanks mate :good:
Rosey barbs are not good tank mates. They are too fast and stress out the discus. Google kribensis dwarf cichlid, cockatoo dwarf cichlid, and corrydoras.
Only some cories will be compatible as a lot will not stand the high temps discus require. You will need to research the exact species you are interested in.

Assuming your tank is 18" high I would keep 4 discus in it, with a bare bottom and very few tank mates if any. I would also warn that keeping 4 can produce problems with bullying. It is normally suggested to keep a group of 5 or 6 as a min. You should not keep 2 on their for long, you will likely find one getting bullied after a while. A general rule is 1 discus per 10 gallons, so you can see a larger tank would be better. It takes experience with discus to bend this rule slightly.

Don't want to sound rude, but if you need to ask if your tank size is ok and which fish can be mixed with discus your probably not ready to own them yet. You really need to research the discus more and decide if your ready for them. Do a search on here for Discus and you can learn practically everything you need to know.
Aye like kev said there a realy tuff fish to keep mate, best of to be safe. The mere fact that you have come onto the site is a great indication that you are willing to learn and help your fish lead a healthy and happy life.
Good luck mate.
Only some cories will be compatible as a lot will not stand the high temps discus require. You will need to research the exact species you are interested in.

Assuming your tank is 18" high I would keep 4 discus in it, with a bare bottom and very few tank mates if any. I would also warn that keeping 4 can produce problems with bullying. It is normally suggested to keep a group of 5 or 6 as a min. You should not keep 2 on their for long, you will likely find one getting bullied after a while. A general rule is 1 discus per 10 gallons, so you can see a larger tank would be better. It takes experience with discus to bend this rule slightly.

Don't want to sound rude, but if you need to ask if your tank size is ok and which fish can be mixed with discus your probably not ready to own them yet. You really need to research the discus more and decide if your ready for them. Do a search on here for Discus and you can learn practically everything you need to know.
This is a great site :good: The comments u have made kev are very good, And not rude to me, In fact very good comments :good: But i do take looking after any fish i have seriously, As they are my pets :good: Tank size i think i could get a 6ft x 2ft x 2ft for 80 pounds full set up her husband had died and wants rid :( Thanks again mate

Aye like kev said there a realy tuff fish to keep mate, best of to be safe. The mere fact that you have come onto the site is a great indication that you are willing to learn and help your fish lead a healthy and happy life.
Good luck mate.
Thanks 4 being poz with me mate :good: CHEERS greg

Rosey barbs are not good tank mates. They are too fast and stress out the discus. Google kribensis dwarf cichlid, cockatoo dwarf cichlid, and corrydoras.
There are some nice fish there mate thanks again :hyper:
I personally agree with Kev, and do your homework fist. Only fish i keep with mine are rams, 1 pair per 40 gallons, Corydoras, but not all will take the high temperatures and tetras and that's it basically.
Have you cosidered the poor mans discus "Severum" which is a beautiful fish and doesn't need such demanding conditions but again this fish will grow large and requires plenty of room.
Thanks for the replys, Discus are on the back burner :angry:I Will find out every thing poss about them be-fore putting them in my tank promise :blush: . Thanks for the advice every one :good:
I personally agree with Kev, and do your homework fist. Only fish i keep with mine are rams, 1 pair per 40 gallons, Corydoras, but not all will take the high temperatures and tetras and that's it basically.
Have you cosidered the poor mans discus "Severum" which is a beautiful fish and doesn't need such demanding conditions but again this fish will grow large and requires plenty of room.

I always thought Uarus were the poor mans discus, a sevrum is nothing like a discus.....

This is a c+p as I have already said the same tonight...

Be careful on the corys with discus because of the heat The only corys you should keep with Discus are.... C sterbai, adolphoi, Duplicarus, C121, gossei, suessi and maybe agazissi - there maybe a few more, but they are the usual suspects...

This is a great forum, but I would recomend looking at a few discus specialist forums if I were you, a quick google will find you a few.

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