Discus Wrigglers At Last

Very nice, I cant wait to see there colouration :good:
The fish room looks excellent, really nice to see the lil discus growing up
Hi Angelmouse,

That is unfortunate, but at least you still have 8 smart and strong tiny cute Discus. I would wonder and ask about your plan for them if I live in UK. :rolleyes:
And your tanks are so nice and neatly organized.
And what size of the tank the parents are in right now? 20Gallon, 29~30Gallon? I see it on the bottom shelf with the cone. I guess because of the comparison to the bigger tank on the top, it looks small.
Anyway, I'm sure you can do it even better this time around. As all of you(you and fish) did go through this process before.
Who knows you might have more tiny Discus than you know what to do with them. I'll say that would be a NICE problem to have. :hyper:

Keep up the pictures please. I am sure I am not the only one drooling over the beautiful fish and cute fish you have. :drool:
Wow they are already huge for only 5 weeks! Sure do grow fast, keep up the good work :good:
Amazing! This is one of the best threads I have read in the last few months. Great success with such a difficult species, and then those beautiful pictures! I recently became interested in discus fish, but had not gotten any further than looking at keeping them alive. Very interesting and inspiring! Keep it up!
Hi thanks for comments, i didn't have to cull the deformed fry sadley they were the ones that got sucked onto my filter, guess they were to fragile to swim away from the filter when it was too high, but it has saved me from a horrible task but i know this is something i will have to overcome if i breed fish :sick:
Fry still doing well cant get good close up photo of them all as they scarper when i get near the tank with camera but this is them at 5 1/2 weeks just starting to show little orange stripes

My female has just eaten the last eggs in the breeding tank, they seem too look after them better in main tank as they are so busy protecting them they forget to eat them lol. Also noticed they fungus more in breeding tank, think the only reason must be the ph is higher in breeding tank so must work on that, but they are due to spawn again tomorrow (they seem to spawn every 6 days induced by a water change) so gona get the cage out again to cover eggs and try meth blue again as it worked with these fry
Regards Angel
My female has just eaten the last eggs in the breeding tank, they seem too look after them better in main tank as they are so busy protecting them they forget to eat them lol. Also noticed they fungus more in breeding tank, think the only reason must be the ph is higher in breeding tank so must work on that, but they are due to spawn again tomorrow (they seem to spawn every 6 days induced by a water change) so gona get the cage out again to cover eggs and try meth blue again as it worked with these fry
Regards Angel
Thanks for the photo. Very nice as usual. Now they are really Discus.
I did hear somewhere probably at the Angel forum that it is sometime strength the bond of pair when there are some common enemy to chase away from the precious eggs and frys. So maybe add some kind of dither fish that unlikely to eat the eggs nor frys but still make the parents to chase it away.
I have some hatchetfish and small corydoras with my big Angelfish. And I see her try to peck at them although I never see her hit. But this maybe also good for her to vent out her anger and frustration.(ATM she is heavy with eggs but does not have suitable mate. I am suppose to borrow or get the male for her on Tuesday from fellow aquarium society member. I'll rearrange the tank deco and introduce him over the divider and keep eyes on them for few days. Hopefully they can get along.)
And I have not bred the C*chlid yet but I just saw the tiny Albino Bristlenose come out of the cave in yesterday. My first parent raised frys. They are so tiny but already the miniature of the adult. I only see 2 and the Dad is still taking care of other frys. And make me wonder how many more in the cave.
How are the youngsters coming along and have they spawned again yet?

Also have you noticed any of the colours leaching through or have some taken after one parent and some the other?

hi guys babies doing well don't look much different though so i'll post some pics when they get abit bigger, not sure about colouring all pale orange hoping i'll get some of each but it will be a while before true colours show.
As for the parents just got them sorted in bigger breeding tank and they layed eggs this morning so if all goes well i should have more wrigglers on saturday night, but my last few batches i only had a couple of wrigglers hatch and i noticed some sort of tiny parasite in tank which i think is the cause of my poor turnout so after treatment they are now in new tank and tonight i squirted some diluted meth blue on eggs
lastest batch

regards Angel
Its certainly true, once discus start to breed it can be a job to try and stop them, just out of interest what temperature are you running at as higher will slow any parasites that may be causing problems. The same as garlic to fight internal infections.


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