Discus Tank Pics

I have 5 right now on a 33 gallon

are you plannig to get a new tank anytime soon? that tank will sonn get cramped

Great looking Discus Ken
Thanks all, at least some people appreciate the patience and the care involved, been waiting six months to get things ready for them and all I got from the GF was 'I preferred the angels, they looked nicer :rolleyes: ' Women, what can you do.....


Have a tripod, but am missing the little gizmo that scews into the bottom of the camera :) I had to take those from the back of the room and zoom in cos the Marlborough reds are very shy and dont shoal much with the Blue Turks.
The Lights are a Blue Atinic and a Day-Glo, by Arcadia.


Im hoping they turn out something like this: (This is not my tank, and they are not my fish :) )


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I have thought about getting rid of 2 of my PB's (pigeon bloods) and getting 2 red turk. I love the blues.

Good luck with them.
very nice tank Ken.

The Discus are lovely.

Makes me want them even more.


The backgound is just a picture background I bought at a LFS, the stone looks more real and natural to me than plants for some reason :)


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