Discus Pictures

Thanks :D

The discus in the first pic and the very blue discus have actually paired off now lol and are breeding LOADS!!!
You did, one I lost :-(
Also largest fish in the tank I took back to the breeder (I only had him about 6 months), he paired up and spawned several times with one of the browns. But he also decided he wanted to keep her for himself 24/7. So he completely dominated half of the tank and wouldn't let any of the other discus there :crazy: and wouldn't let his mate mix with the rest of the group, he was pretty aggressive to all the other discus. I changed the decor to see if it would help, but no. A couple of the smaller fish started to hide away and weren't showing good colour, so back he went.

:) Anita
Anita I have to say those are some of the Healthiest Prettiest Discus I have seen. You have alot of fish in that tank. Is it not hard to maintain good water quality with so many fishes.
Anita I have to say those are some of the Healthiest Prettiest Discus I have seen. You have alot of fish in that tank. Is it not hard to maintain good water quality with so many fishes.

Yes there are a lot of fish in there :S never looks it though, I guess that's because apart from the discus everything is on the small size.
No I don't seem to suffer many problems (I hate saying that, as it seems to be tempting fate :/ ) but, I put it down to the amount of water that gets changed every week, a UV (which perhaps helps a bit) and a massively over filtered tank :lol:

Discus seem happy enough, which is good :) here's a picture of them guarding eggs after spawning. Didn't like me going near the tank with the camera though as you can see! :hyper:

:) Anita
Wow I love Discus. If I had a tank big enough to house a group I would have them because my LFS is crawling with them all the time, all young ones that are about 3 inches from top to bottum. But If I got them I'd probably want to breed them and breeding killies is just too much fun to give it up. And my mom says no more tanks...
I have always had trouble with my discus fighting they pick on one until he stops eating and dies all yours look really healthy is it just a case of taking the aggresive fish back. Ilove discus but hate their nature yet others seem to have no problem with it why? :huh:
I have always had trouble with my discus fighting they pick on one until he stops eating and dies all yours look really healthy is it just a case of taking the aggresive fish back. Ilove discus but hate their nature yet others seem to have no problem with it why? :huh:

That is why you must start with a good sized group 5 at a minimum. The bigger the group, any aggression can be distributed between the fish.
You will always get a dominant fish, if that fish is removed because you consider him/her to be a bully another will take it's place, and so the behaviour continues.
The male I returned to the breeder was a large fish (biggest in the tank) and he immediately took the dominant role, which was ok. But that combined with in pairing off made the situation much worse.
I have found introducing small fish is easy, the larger ones do not see them as a threat and pretty much ignore them.

Sorry I rattled on a bit there.

Ilove discus but hate their nature yet others seem to have no problem with it why? :huh:

As cichlids there pretty easy going :) their nature is the thing I find endearing.

Off topic...
Last night in Plymouth it was pretty cold, anyway the tank temperature dropped a bit over night. This morning I came down and they were all gathered around the heater :S as if they were letting me know it was a little cold in there! I turned the heaters up a notch, and didn't even move away for their breakfast until the water warmed up a bit :blink: (true)


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