Discus newbie!

I actually have 10 neons in with my angels (bad gaya!). When the angels were small the neons were fine. But a year later the neons have taken to hiding among plants. In a different tank I have one angel in with three guppy girls. They have no problems…yet. My plan is to have one 30g just for the small fish. Every time I want to move my fish they look so unhappy about it so I just give up. But one of these days they’re going. Maybe eventually you could get a 10 or 20g for your small fish.
well i haven't moved any of my fish to my new 47g tank yet, they're all in my smaller 2 foot tank.

Maybe i'll just have to keep the them all in the bigger tank and then buy an angel if anything happens to them.
If you already have two tanks you should be all set ideally. i don't know much about the clown plec, featherfin syno and 4 corys or how big they grow but my first guess is that they would be fine with an angel or two (not speaking for your syno as i don't know what that is). Why not keep the gupps and neons in your two footer?
I don't have to throw in a pic everytime, but I kind of like to.....


John_Nicholson said:
I don't have to throw in a pic everytime, but I kind of like to.....


hey man John_Nicholson :

i have 55 gallon planted tank,,,

i have try many time to keep discus but failed,,

my water parameter's

nitrite : 0
ammonia : 0
PH : 7.2

when i get them in groups like 6 or 4 but all were dead..

i want to keep discus really, but it's dead...

when i get them it was rapid gills and gaspin,, new receiving chepmint,,,

and i try to quarantine and treatment them but dead,,,,

why?? why?? why??
Not sure. All of the fish in my pictures were grown out in bare bottom tanks with daily water changes. Most also come from either "local" sources of from Stendker Discus in Germany. Growing them out in planted tanks is just to hard. Go bare bottom until grown and then you can put them in a planted tank. Also many mass produced discus come to the stores hormoned. If the fish is under 4 inches and showing much color then it has been juiced. This has several negative affects. One of which is the liver is damaged. Fish from this type of treatment normally get ill easily and normally die at about a year.


The one on the right was also one of my favorites. I finally got him paired up with a nice female. While raising a nice spawn (328) they got to fighting a little. Nothing to bad so I went to work. Came home to find the fish dead....At least I still have the fry.

John_Nicholson said:
The one on the right was also one of my favorites. I finally got him paired up with a nice female. While raising a nice spawn (328) they got to fighting a little. Nothing to bad so I went to work. Came home to find the fish dead....At least I still have the fry.

aww, thats so sad...at least you have a picture too!

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