Discus Colour


New Member
Jan 20, 2006
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I have just transferred my 5 small discus into a new tank, with two established filters, one, the bright orange one, has retained it's colouring but the other arctic blues have taken on a very dark hue, and seem to be hiding a lot.
any thoughts, as they were all fine in the previous tank.
Water was swapped with them and the temp is the same: 80 degrees.
Eleven cardinal tetras are doing excellent in the same switch.
I would suggest you probably leave the lights off today and not bother feeding them and see how they look in the morning. It will be stress but that is something you don't really want with discus so just leave them be nice and quiet for 24 hours.
Discus are wimps,you've got to understand that ,lol :shifty: .Add a few amazon swords(potted if you have no substrate) they like to lean on plants such as these when they sleep.Makes them feel more secure.
How big is the new tank? Can you provide a pic?

If it's a very large tank, they maybe a little nervous. They were probably in a small tank for awhile, so they can easily see their boundries. If it's a real large tank, then they may not see the boundries too well and fear for any predators. Give them time. Also, how many heaters do you have in the tank? Having a larger tank, you may have some cooler areas. Maybe try increasing the temp another 2 degrees higher.
Never thought of that one(temps).Good idea.Really though try and get an amazon sword,they just love them! :drool: .Try feeding them some bloodworm aswell,might get them to come out and explore.Other than that turn the lights of and leave them alone for a day.Oh ye,is the room wobbly atall(so when you walk it creates vibrations),my discus hate it when i run up the stairs and go into hiding.So that may be another reason.

Good luck
Never thought of that one(temps).Good idea.Really though try and get an amazon sword,they just love them! :drool: .Try feeding them some bloodworm aswell,might get them to come out and explore.Other than that turn the lights of and leave them alone for a day.Oh ye,is the room wobbly atall(so when you walk it creates vibrations),my discus hate it when i run up the stairs and go into hiding.So that may be another reason.

Good luck
Tank is the same litres as the previous, but rectagonal as opposed to octagonal, 24x18x12.
Seem ok to explore when we are not around, or hiding from them.
Feeding brine shrimp and bloodworm.
Will try amazon swords.
Cheers for the advice.

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