Discus Are Breeding Themselves

I'm not planning to breed them yet. I have a tank that would be good for it, but for the moment it's full of jaguar juveniles. Once they've gone I'll see what to do.

I also have a newly formed pair of ellioti that I have caught with a cloud of fry, so I might decide to breed them instead.

Another thing I am considering is using that tank to set up a soil tank, but it would mean a long re-cycle to stabilise it, and if I decide to breed the elliotis the soil might be unsuitable as they're diggers.

I have been away on holiday for a week and I have given it some thought in the back of my mind, but no decision taken yet.
In any case I have until the beginning of September to decide, because that is when I will offload the jaguars.
Caught in the act, again.

This time there is the novelty of a leopard snakesking that has been aggressively pressing the female and fighting the male. I suppose he was trying to fertilize himself the eggs as he had his reproductive organ out.

I'm sorry I had to do this, but I had to seriously scare him away as he was creating chaos in the tank. He was being so aggressive even with the female that he looked completely berserk.

The jaguar fry are growing and soon they will be big enough to be given away, and it will never be too soon. Then I will isolate the pair so they can breed in peace. It will also be easier to keep pristine water conditions for them and the possible fry.

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