Discus And Shrimp


comfortably numb
May 23, 2008
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now i know that with the vast majority of cichlids shrimp are pretty much a no-no as they will just make a tasty snack , but is it the same with discus?
i have asked the same thing and from a fella i no he said the discus like them so think it is abit of a no no. and as food go's there not cheap lol
yeah thats pretty much what i thought . oh well it looks like im destined never to hve shrimp then .
You could probably have bamboo/rock shrimp in there, they are pretty large.
i had thought about that but then i got this image in my head of the discus thinking hmmm look at the size of that juicy steak and pecking the poor thing to a slow death :crazy:
as food go's there not cheap lol
i dont have any experience with discus, but maybe you could buy a couple of feeder shrimp (really cheap ones) and throw them in. if they get eaten (poor shrimps :/ ), you know that you cant keep shrimps with them and your discus got a snack. if they dont get eaten, then you might be able to keep some shrimps with your discus :good: .
im pretty certain they would get eaten i was just after confirmation
I have never seen any for sale but I would think you could keep red claw macro shrimp, they have small claws and get quite large (2-3")


No good if you want snails though I don't think, those claws are there to get the soft meat out of a shell...

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