Discus And Severum's Compatable?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 4, 2007
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Ill be the 1st to tell you, I know nothing about discus, Ive always avoided them due to the fact that they are such a delecate fish. I also have no desire to get into keeping discus, that said, I was in a local fish store recently and saw some discus in with green severums and just out of pure curosity I was wondering, are these 2 fish usually compatable?

PS sorry I just realised I posted this to the wrong forum, should have gone in new world:(
Green and Turquoise Severums are know to be rather peaceful. My Turquoise gets along great in my community set-up. In fact my Parrot Cichlid is the only one on the aggressive side (mild), aside from my Tetra who like to chase a lot and are quite nippy but only amongst themselves.
I would never put Severums with Discus. 2 very different fish and the Severum would come on top.
They are probably like that in the shop because the fish will be sold quickly anyway.
Some severums are peaceful, but they're still a cichlid and for every peaceful one there'll be a grumpy one. I wouldn't risk it personally (one of my sevs was a bit more boisterous than the other, and I doubt would have got along with discus).
Some severums are peaceful, but they're still a cichlid and for every peaceful one there'll be a grumpy one.

This can also apply to discus though. I would get large dicsus in a big tank with one or two severums. Yes, the severum will come out on top, but in a large tank (125gal) with say 8 discus, I see no reason why it shoudent work.
I have had two adult severums living with smaller south americans, and as long as the smaller cichlids knew who was boss, did nothing to them.
The same cannot be said for the other, bigger male however...
I could see 2 of my 4 severums tolerating discus. The other 2 would kill them within 24 hours though. Shows how severums have such individual personalities.

So not something you should really be trying unless you know the personalities of your severums.

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