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paco king

New Member
Jun 11, 2003
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hi! can you tell me how to keep discus and tell me if there are easy to keep!and what kind of enviroment would it need? :nod: ;) :huh:
hi im not shure about keeping them as when i was considering them i was told they needed a huge tank to behappy something like 55 gallons per fish well that was oscars but discus get to around the same size. that was the desiding factor for me. after that i decided to go for smaller fish. im shure the other forum members will provide you with a better idea of what is needed to care for thease cool fish.

What size tank you looking at for them? How long has the tank been established? Discus like a bit of space, some people have recommended about 8 - 10g per fish for them to be comfy.

Discus get a fairly hard time for being difficult to keep, they are not as bad as the impression given, however having said that they are not the simplest fish to keep.

To remain healthy and vibrant they require excellent water conditions which means keeping up a fairly serious tank maintenance program. I have 3 in a 55g & am now doing at least two lots of 18g changes a week.

If you do decide to go down the Discus route, just make sure you read up plenty and be prepared for little more work than normal. If you want to read up a bit more try here:


The name says it all really, a forum site dedicated simply to Discus. Spooky that... :D

Personally I find the effort is well worth it but some find it a little too much....


A few more thoughts.....

Simply Discus is a great site even if you just browse the forum and pick up info. The people there range from breeders (the bare tank, no substrate, nothing else just Discus tanks) through to a number of hobbiest who are looking to provide a comfy environment for their Discus.

People have diff views on what should be kept with Discus, some people think it's sacrilege to put anything apart from Discus in a tank, other's (me included) think that as long as they are compatible tank mates (and you are not looking to breed) a little variation add's to the overall appeal of the tank. There are a number of species you can keep with Discus if you want to go that route and if you are in the UK (sorry didn't check)Practical Fish Keeping magazine has an article this month on just that point.

From my side I have only been keeping fish for about just over a year now and got into Discus about 8 months ago. I am not at the stage of wanting to breed just to keep a beautiful species in an environment it would thrive in. Like I said in a previous post although Discus are not the easiest to keep with a little more time and effort they aren't the nightmare people think they are.

Good luck if you do decide to go for it. Again hope that helps a bit.....
I recently read that discus are prone to diseases a bit easier than other fish so its best to quarantine them for a lenghtly period, a month or so, before introducing them to the tank. The disease i read about most was worms and that some ppl use deworming medicine on all their discus before introducing them. Just a little more info for ya ;)

BTW i had a couple discus at one point and didn't find them hard to keep. I did a 25% WC every week and the lil guys were happy as can be. I had them with 2 other fish i believe, forgot what they were sorry.
Paco are you semi experienced or have you kept fish in the past?
just wondering because as you probably know discus are expensive.
a hole tank supply of tropicals could almost be the same as discus.
there is nothing like a discus. not called the king of cichlids for nothing. also alot of work.

alot of disus tanks are devoid of decorations as they give breeding grounds to parasites and what not that discus are prone to. bare bottom tanks are also preferred. have a customer that i got into discus tanks. of course being with the contemporary look of their house the discus in bare bottoms do well. they also do water changes every day of 5%. beautiful discus though!

semper fi
My strongest suggestions are to use no substrate at all to harbor parasites and to change 50% for their water twice a week. Keep temp around 86 and they will do fine.
yep thats why i decided not to keep discus wonderfull fish so long as some one else is looking after them. the no substrate thing sounds familiar thing that makes me wonder is if thease fish are truely that delicate, how do they survive in the wild? i often ask my self thease questions :alien:

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