Dilemma 'i guess' about filters

Fish Buddy

Fish Addict
Mar 20, 2004
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
At work/ well let me explain...
I am hired at Nithview retirement home to clean their 26gal eclipes cichlid tank and their 35.5 gal goldfish tank. They said I can do whatever I wanted with the tanks ( :D :shifty: ) including stocking and decorations. On both of their tanks they have eclipse flilters and I think cleaning them is a pain-too many crevices that are impossible to clean-compaired to hagen aqua clear filters-what I have at home. Should I go to petsmart and exchange them or sould I just suck it up and learn how to deal with a new set up?
The Eclipse filters that are built into the hood are a pain on the larger systems, although it is a great system for the really tiny betta banks. If you return it you'll have to replace not only the filter, but the hood and lighting too, unless they have begun selling the Eclipse filter system separately since hte last time i looked. Another option is you could replace the cartridges in the hood with refills for Aquaclear sponges, that greatly aids the filtration. I suspect that even with the filter media replaced, the Eclipse will be insufficient for the goldfish though, and possibly the cichlids too, depends on how messy they are. I stopped using the filter on my hood and installed a canister filter in the stand and am quite happy with it. I have some beefs with the hood, too, but it could be retrofitted if some thought was given to the problem. So i guess it depends if you have money to play with or not.
I'm glad I'm not the only one unsatisfied with the eclipse filters.
Well on the goldfish tank the eclipse filter is seperate so I could go to petsmart and replace it (exchange it-they are great that way). I guess I'm stuck with the 26 gallon tank...
Dump that filter and buy a some cheap canisters. Jebo and other clones work great and are less than 60.00 online. Super easy to clean as well.

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