Fish Buddy
Fish Addict
At work/ well let me explain...
I am hired at Nithview retirement home to clean their 26gal eclipes cichlid tank and their 35.5 gal goldfish tank. They said I can do whatever I wanted with the tanks (
) including stocking and decorations. On both of their tanks they have eclipse flilters and I think cleaning them is a pain-too many crevices that are impossible to clean-compaired to hagen aqua clear filters-what I have at home. Should I go to petsmart and exchange them or sould I just suck it up and learn how to deal with a new set up?
I am hired at Nithview retirement home to clean their 26gal eclipes cichlid tank and their 35.5 gal goldfish tank. They said I can do whatever I wanted with the tanks (