Difficult Decision :-(


New Member
Feb 16, 2005
Reaction score
Birmingham, UK
Hi guys,

I've got a black molly and it appears to have lost its right eye.

Except this the fish is healthy, no damage and is active.

My friend also had this happen to one of his fish and he let it live and it lasted for
quite a while.

Thanks for any suggestions :(
How did it lose the eye?

If it's healthy in all other ways , still active and feeding well etc then I would keep it alive.
I had a 5 week old guppy fry lose her eye to an insect in the tank. She was quite shocked at first but I put melafix and salt in the water with her and she was fine. I still have her now and she's continued to grow along side of her brothers and sisters. Not sure how yours lost its eye but believe me, it will live a completely normal life with just one :)
I'm not sure how its done it to be honest.

May have been my sucking loach, its been rampaging lately....it was attaching itself to the BIIIIG Tiger Barb which eventually died. Not certain though.
Keep your eye on that then. If the behaviour continues, you may want to re-evaluate the fish you want to keep.
i had a one eyed plec and it was fine and i also had a one eyes catfish they lived for ages but swam tilted sometims!
They can survive on one eye, just keep an eye on the other one, good luck.
One of the Bolivian Rams in my dad's tank lost an eye and it functions normally. Fish who are missing an eye will swim on a slight angle, but generally live normal lives.
I'm thinking about what to do with the sucking loach, I've noticed its been a bit agressive, particularly towards black fish....(my mollies and red-finned shark) maybe its racist -_-

Whenever I put algae wafers in it guards them without eating them and whenver anything goes near it (exc. crabs) it goes for them.

Can you take fish back to the shop :p
i got the same problem with my loaches, unfortunatly for me i got 3 of the little buggers. i woke this morning to find one of my bettas with no eyes being eaten by a loach. my other female betta has only one eye but is doing great
ask your lfs if you can return it if not stick it in another tank, they're trouble if you ask me...
If ANY fish would be discovered eating one of my other fish's eyeballs out he'd have some major problems.

Although, to this point I only have fish that are kept singly.
yeah but what can i do?! no-one wants them (i was told for my tank size 3 would keep the algea away nicely, dammit) and i dont have the means or money to isolate them...

i need some suggestions here...
My son had a real problem with sucking loaches. Horrible things, the biggest - a right bully - had to go. He caused havoc in the tank & upset everyone, the smaller of the two- who we kept - is now starting to get aggressive. I am steering clear of them in my new set up.

:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:

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