did i leave him to die?

should i save that fish?

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smithrc said:
point out its bad condition and offer to take it off their hands as it'll die anyway...

then save the poor little bugger :D
I'd be careful about that tactic... some petshops refuse to let you buy sick fish (but of course, they'll let you buy it as long as you act like you don't know it's sick)
save the poor little fishie,

otherwise you'll feel guilty, knowing that you couldve at least tried to save him
i've heard stories where ppl pointed out that a fish was sick, adn then teh petstore just refused to sell it becuase they "dont' sell sick fish" -_-

i'm sure how that fishstore deals with these kidn of situation, but the betta is only 3.99, i can spare it...(though of course it'd be nice if they'd just let it go, but i doubt it :( )
dwarf_dude said:
save the poor little fishie,

otherwise you'll feel guilty, knowing that you couldve at least tried to save him
the guilt is already settling down on me :sad:
why are u still talking about it ? i dont get it..

u saw a fish that was sick and didnt buy it..

so everytime u see a sick fish you think you should buy it ??

do u have enough money to buy 80% of the fish sold at stores like that?

if not, i dont suggest going in there if it effects you this much
excuse me leck,

i know there are literally thousands of bettas that are mistreated in petstores every single day. There are some dyign from dropsy, dyign from bacterial infections, dying from finrots, and just dying in those tiny little cups.

I dont' dream of saving every last one fo them, obviously, who has that kind of money?

however, listen to this:

even if i can't save every last oen of them, i can at least save ONE. that ONE single fish sitting in that lonely dirty CUP in a petstore without any care, is DYING. And me, i can go save him

So, if you think that i should jsut shut up about it, how about you stop relyign to the therad? i made a choice not to buy him today, adn right now i just made another choice that i'm going back there tomorro to get him. The purpsoe of the thread was to ask for opinions, and see wehther others think i should get him or not.

I don't plant to save every last fish that i see being msitreated, becuase i'd have to be a multi billionaire for that, but i do watn to save just that one. I have betta fry, and when they grow upa dn if i have to sell them to petstores, i want them to go into good homes.

edit: found myself to be a bit rude there, sorry leck, but this is my opnion and i know i can get defensive about it. HOp eyou undersatnd my standing.
did you not erad my post?

oh and btw, here in where i live, i dont' see sick bettas taht often. I don't know about you, but 90% of hte bettas i see are not missing any fins. this was the first betta i've seen with such a severe case of finrot.

okya, i dont' want to start a flame war here, where did you read only "certain" ones in my post leck/nibbles/thellama/iloveyou? i did mention that the betats around here are generally very healthy, and thus i dont' see many to start with. So waht's your problem?

would you rather me not go save that litlte fishy and just let him ROT IN HIS CUP? becase if you do, i consider you downright heartless and cruel. I can't save all of them, so therefore i can't even try and save ONE?
definately save the fish :) Dont listen to that other poster, he/shes just being a jerk.
''I can't save all of them, so therefore i can't even try and save ONE? ''

i love how when i say something someone doesnt like..

theyre like

Synirr said:
smithrc said:
point out its bad condition and offer to take it off their hands as it'll die anyway...

then save the poor little bugger :D
I'd be careful about that tactic... some petshops refuse to let you buy sick fish (but of course, they'll let you buy it as long as you act like you don't know it's sick)
petco pulls that one all of the time. i eventually just stopped trying to help the sick fish. thats when you know a store does NOT CARE ABOUT THE ANIMALS.

i have to tell myself NO all of the time. there are so many and as odd as it sounds, i would feel badly for taking one sick one and leaving the others so i try not to do it.
i gave in a few weeks ago and bought all of the bettas walmart had left...it was only 5 but still...
theyre all doing great now.

you have to say no because if we keep buying these sick fish, it sends a message to the stores that says if they have sick fish for sale, we will buy them. they konw how to get suckers.

on the other hand, if the store has a return policy...
if he dies you can return him and at least know that he died in a good home.
the stores does have a return policy of 7 days. If the fish dies within 7 days they'll give a replacement.

Like i said, this was the first time i've seen a fish down to that kidn fo state. Even walmart doesn't have that terrible looking fish -_- I understand the whole don't buy sick fish becuase it only gives them profit and encourages them, and all that. But this was the ONLY sick one out of the 50 that they had -_-

so i dont' know, i guess you can argue both sides on it...:unsure: my bf says that i should give the litlte guy a fighting chance, i know if i say heal him back to health (a miracle will be needed) i can still trade him back into the store becuase they do trade ins (whether or not you bought the fish from them).
cutecotton said:
the stores does have a return policy of 7 days. If the fish dies within 7 days they'll give a replacement.

Like i said, this was the first time i've seen a fish down to that kidn fo state. Even walmart doesn't have that terrible looking fish -_- I understand the whole don't buy sick fish becuase it only gives them profit and encourages them, and all that. But this was the ONLY sick one out of the 50 that they had -_-

so i dont' know, i guess you can argue both sides on it...:unsure: my bf says that i should give the litlte guy a fighting chance, i know if i say heal him back to health (a miracle will be needed) i can still trade him back into the store becuase they do trade ins (whether or not you bought the fish from them).
honestly i cold never trade in one of my fish to a pet store :( unless it was a nice lfs. (the only nice one we have doesnt sell bettas though)
i would just go ahead and buy him. if hes going to die, it probably wont take him a week.

what does he look like?

but you should definately tell the people there that is the only reason you are buying him-because you knew he would just rot on their shelves otherwise. (give them a guilt trip)

if we dont speak up, theyd probably never notice.

kind of off topic-i was in a lfs yeaterday and they had a dragonfish in with a bunch of cichlids. dragonfish are almost completely blind. the cichlids were taking chunks out of him and he was going crazy because he couldnt see them. i would have taken him if i had an extra 29gal that i could do brackish in, but i dont :( (some day i will have a big brackish tank that i can have my own dragonfish in!)
they took him out when i pointed it out but they put him in another fw tank...i seriously doubt he made it. he was really torn up.
well...had to rant. pet stores are...^#$&$%$poopoo.
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