Did I....? Did I Give Her The Right Advice?


Fish Addict
Sep 17, 2009
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Ontario, Canada (If you want to know my city you'r
Okay, so.... She just emailed me again today.

She told me that her kissing gourami had died.... And that she only had her goldfish left, in her 10-gallon. She asked me to send links on leopard geckos, and I'm just kind of thinking, "What, you can't research on them yourself?!"

Apparently not. I didn't send her any links. BUT.... I *did* send her this email. ^^;

See; *NOW* do you believe me about the cycling things?! D:
Ands.... What, exactly, are you planning to do with your aquarium? ^^; Judging by the size that goldfish can grow up to (I think for commons it's around 10 inches or somethings; fancies are more like 7-8 inches), I think that you should just leave it the way it is, for now, at leasties. ^^; Goldfish should usually have *at least* a 15- or 20-gallon, or hopefully even *LARGER*, but I think yours will be fine! ^^;
As for your Bettas.... If I'm correct, around 2 or 3 or maybe even 4 are left, hmm? Well.... If you just sort of *maybe* decided not to keep the goldfish, then you could put all of your Bettas in the 10-gallon -- but, divided, of course. You could make it sort of a wire-mesh compartment, so that you would be able to have maybe four compartments, with a heater (H) and a filter (F), like this:
Or, at the very least, *SOMETHINGS* like thatsies. ^^; Bettas should *really* have a 5-gallon, each, but if four 2.5/3-gallon compartments is the best you can do, then I really think that you should leave it at thats. ^^;
Just remember to clean out your tank weekly, and leave the heater plugged in at all times during the Winter months! ^^;
Oh, and, one more thing: Before you do *any* of that Betta stuffz, then you should get, like, a platy, or somethingsies, to help cycle your tank; they're pretty hardy, and should be able to survive the ammonia (super fish killer) and nitrite (second down on the list) spikes that will be happening during the month that your tank will take to cycle; it may be less, depending on how long you've had this tank set up: normal cycling time is around 4-6 weeks. ^^;
I would give you one of my own platies, but I only have three, and it's recommended to have *at least* 3 in a group if you want to have males and females: ratio of males:females 1:2. ^^;
If my memory serves me correctly, then since you should still have around 3 or 4 Bettas, with one being a female, then if you would like to keep the platy or whatever (platies are my first choice; please get one of those to cycle -- and, NO, no more kissing gouramis ^^;) when your tank is done cycling, it can probably stay with the female! ^^; And, while normally I *would* say that, if you have more than one female, they can probably stay together; in your case, the female(s?) has been alone for far too long, so it *probably* won't work. ^^; New female Bettas (the ones from PetSmart have never failed me, probably because the females are bred as community fish; Big Al's stopped selling females a while ago (I can never find them)) can, in most instances, live together, since they don't necessarily have a "territory" of any type established yet. But I wouldn't recommend it; at least, not in your case. ^^;
Well, I'mma get away from typing nowies, and go back to what I was doing; I would like to see every sentence (NOT literally; just try to answer as much as you can, okayies? ^^;) that I wrote answered, at least in some form or another, and I hope that my advice will, once again, not fail me. ^^;

Did I give her the right advice? :sad: What should I add? Was I right about the platy&female Betta thing? Thinking back now, she might only really have three Bettas.... But I *seriously* can't remember. ^^; XD Was I right about the wire-mess-divider things?

I don't want to admit I was wrong at first, but I *really* want her to do it right this time!!!! :( Should I tell her to get a test kit....? That thought just *kind of* struck my mind, nowies. ^^;

Thanks! :D
You really need to shorten that I looked at it and thought I don't want to read this all. But I skimmed it over and looks like you were giving good info on what to keep in a 10 gal tank. Good info on doing a cycle.

But could you just shorten the question.

Wire mesh divider will rust but you could get another divider that is plastic. Platys would be cool but I would do one sex only don't mix them but if you did 1 male for 2 females.
Removing some of the excess characters would make that post easier to read. With all the ^^^ and ;3-P and 'sies' I'm afriad I gave up trying to work it out about half way thru...
Removing some of the excess characters would make that post easier to read. With all the ^^^ and ;3-P and 'sies' I'm afriad I gave up trying to work it out about half way thru...

Heh that's exactly what I was thinking, just didn't want to say it. I could feel my IQ dropping as I read it. Probably doubled the size of that post.
come on people stop being so harsh, only one person had to say it not three of you.

Amberleaf, you gave the right advice.

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