Dick Mills Formula


Fish Fanatic
Aug 11, 2003
Reaction score
Union County, New Jersey
"Aernympha" just replied to my post about stocking my tank and informed me of a method of stocking by Dick Mills. I will investigate it further. However, my questions is how do I calculate this formula with a hex tank. This is more of a math questions that a fish question but none the less, I can't just multiply length x width in a hex tank. Any help would be great. :blink:
Missy - if you can wait until later I'll ask my husband. He's a mathematician.
Thanks Alien Anna, in the meantime, I'll see if I can find a formula on the net. I'll be really proud if I can figure it out and it matches the answer of your hubby's.
I appreciate the help.
>>> can't just multiply length x width

Multiplying length by width will give you the surface area of the tank, is that what you want? If so are all the sides of your hexagon the same size, (i.e. a regular hexagon - probable), if so, what size, if not, tell me all 6!

For a regular hexagon, the formula is ((3 x root 3)over 2) x Side Length squared.

*** EDIT ***

I tried to post the formula but it didn't work right, don't know why - hope that makes sense.
measusre it as a square and then take away the four triangles surface area!!! :D :thumbs: so if u imagine a hexagon draw a square around it somtines the square lines meet the hexagon other times it doesn't forming these triangles. well that how i would do it :D i was think about it hwne i was loooking at hexagon tank yesterday :thumbs: are if u want to know how to wok out trianles just measure the two side u have and times them together giving u a little square to make it a trianle just divide it by 2 , and then u have ur triangles so u can do it quite simply with out the weird and scarey formula maths thing ..... but i probably surpose to know next year at school!!! :crazy: :/
>>> weird and scarey formula maths thing

Not scary really. ((3 x root3)/2) is a constant, and for this purpose, can be said to be 2.6. Side length squared is the side length x side length. So the surface area is roughly side length x side length x 2.6, primary school child could do that!
Thanks guys. I figured it out and am disappointed to learn that the surface are of my 20 gal hex tank is actually slightly less than my 10 gal. So, basically, I found out I have an overstocked tank that can only hold the same inches of fish in my 10 gallon tanks only it takes up more room. Great :no: . Oh well. Live and Learn.
I've never liked "non-rectangular" tanks, they cut down the viewing area, but whatever rocks your boat!
the thing about hexagon tanks is that they are normally higer tanks than they are longer ways so they wuld be a nice home for maybe two angel fish!!! :D :thumbs: weather its big enuf though...... i mean acording to the one inch of fish per gallon u can have 20 inches of fish .. how many inches can u have using the dick mills formula??? :D
One of the problems with the American pre-occupation with volume, is that it is impossible to state with any certainty what you can keep in a "20 gallon" tank. One "20 gallon" tank can have a huge surface area, another, almost none.

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