1) I know my tank is at capacity but then what is capacity? My ammonia and nitrites have been at 0 right from the end of cycling and my nitrate is standardly less than 5 (usually 1). My phosphate is negligable as I don't use tap water and don't overfeed. So there is no biological strain on the tank. The fish are quite happy - none are shy and retiring and they all hand feed (including my mandarin). As for stocking my tank too quickly - if I had surely I would have had an ammonia and nitirte spike? I haven't...
2) My mandarin has been there for 8+ weeks and has eaten frozen brine shrimp from the start. My tank also has a lot of live rock that has plenty of copepods.
3) I clean my filters once a week and they are never that grubby really. There is never any brine shrimp in as I turn my filter off for 2-3 minutes at feeding time so the shrimp don't get sucked in.
4) As for phosphates from tap water; I wouldn't even consider using tap water and am surprised that you would even suggest that I might...
5) Temp is 25 and has never been above 27 (I have a digital thermometer) - I believe this is perfectly satisfactory.
I was fully aware that small tanks are harder to regulate but I was aware of this from the start and as a result have been careful.
Someone once told me that I wouldn't be able to manage a full time job, a degree and 4 horses... I did. For 5 years! I'm not a quitter...
Anyway now the answers to the critiscism have been given (I would have prefered advice than critiscism - ie instead of telling someone they're doing something wrong (and possibly leaving them in the dark), give them advice on how to make the tank thrive - that would be helpful) I will post a few updated pics...
Here is my tank now I have rejigged the live rock to make it look a bit more symmetrical:
Here is my new urchin:
My remaining snail keeping my back wall clean:
Shell graveyard - so I don't lose another snail to the hermit crabs...
Cool configuration of polyps:
Another of the tank:
My tropical tank:
Here is my new baby birdie (isn't he a babe?) - Tui: