I find them interesting. For a very long time, they were unheard of. I first saw them in the early 90s, and the affected fish died like flies. I wasn't able to find info on how they got established in fish farms, or where they are in the wild. I admit, I haven't looked for that since.
I thought it was the old parasite story - they had to mutate not to kill their new hosts too quickly or they couldn't spread.
if that is what happened, they have done it well. They are now a common parasite in farmed fish of all types. When it was new to me, I clearly bought fish with it, from a hobbyist who didn't know his new fish were infected (he had bought a lot and sold them upon arrival - he lost all of his too). It killed everything in 3 weeks or so. Now, it can live inside a host for a very long time, unnoticed. Sometimes when you notice, it's already too late.
I've dealt with it a few times, and expect it from pet shop fish, from any shop. That doesn't mean it's there, but I watch for that redness. I keep the meds on hand now. They used to be crazily expensive, but now are easy to get and reasonable, as befits a treatment for a common problem.
I'll wager either that fish came with it, or a tankmate did. He ate eggs from the substrate, and it was off and running.