Developing Fry


Fish Herder
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
cardiff uk
I have 18 guppy fry all from the same mother, i've noticed that they are all developing at different rates, just wanted to know Do i need to seperate the bigger ones into different tank so that the rest can catch up?

Any info would be great.
well i only know from my fry, that this is normal and yes i would seperate them. but this is up to you, i feared that the little guys might get eaten or bullied and would shy from eating or something. so i sorted mine. they eventually caught up, so i was moving them around a couple of times as each one had a growth spur-------good luck :D
:D cheers mate thats very helpful i've divided the tank into two areas using a plastic dividing sheet with holes, which i got from pets at home, is this a good idea in your opinion? Will the filter still supply enough oxygen through to the other side?
i've not a few are quite thin i.e bellies are not very fat i've already losted 1 yesterday unfortunely, so the sooner i do it the better.

:/ wish me luck

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